No. 83 Play Boy
Contemporary Daily Oil Painting Horse Art by Laurie Justus Pace
20 x 24 x 2 inches Oil on Canvas
SOLD from the blog! Thank you!
Contact me for more information: Laurie
Contemporary Daily Oil Painting Horse Art by Laurie Justus Pace
20 x 24 x 2 inches Oil on Canvas
SOLD from the blog! Thank you!
Contact me for more information: Laurie

CLOSE UP WITH THICK OIL PAINTS... no Impasto on this baby.

Will take extra time to cure to ship...look at those edges! LOL...I had fun today.

"Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread." Jesus answered, "It is written: Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." Matthew 4:1-4
Okay, I hope some of you thought out some things to let go of for the next 39 days. Believe me, you will be tempted to forget one day and I am praying for you that God will tap you lightly on the shoulder to remind you that every one has to go through temptation in their lives. The temptation itself is not sin, but when we give in and disobey, that is sin.
I wrote yesterday that "shouting out to the world" what you are working on is not advisable and that is why I will not share my decisions of what I am working on. After Easter we will see what has grown in place of it and I go forth knowing that God walks this journey with me and with you.
I don't drink coffee, but I know lots of folks give up caffeine. I don't drink soda either.. that one would have been easy... also means chocolate. A good friend of ours that was our minister for a few years actually fasts by allowing himself only bread and water through out lent. He can have any type of break and he can dip it...but no other foods. He is released from doing this only on Sundays when he is allowed to eat anything...but the rest of the week, bread and water. I am not a huge bread eater...but I admire him for his fasting has a deep spiritual meaning for him for his spiritual life and direction. This forty day period is like a time of aligning yourself back to God's place, spending more time in prayer with the Lord.
We all have weaknesses that are easy to exploit. Often impatience and stress will drive us to do things that we should not. Use this Lent to acknowledge with Him; with Him you can do anything.
Joyful Abundance,
""Jesus answered him, "It is also written: "Do not put the Lord your God to the test."" Matthew 4:7
Okay, I hope some of you thought out some things to let go of for the next 39 days. Believe me, you will be tempted to forget one day and I am praying for you that God will tap you lightly on the shoulder to remind you that every one has to go through temptation in their lives. The temptation itself is not sin, but when we give in and disobey, that is sin.
I wrote yesterday that "shouting out to the world" what you are working on is not advisable and that is why I will not share my decisions of what I am working on. After Easter we will see what has grown in place of it and I go forth knowing that God walks this journey with me and with you.
I don't drink coffee, but I know lots of folks give up caffeine. I don't drink soda either.. that one would have been easy... also means chocolate. A good friend of ours that was our minister for a few years actually fasts by allowing himself only bread and water through out lent. He can have any type of break and he can dip it...but no other foods. He is released from doing this only on Sundays when he is allowed to eat anything...but the rest of the week, bread and water. I am not a huge bread eater...but I admire him for his fasting has a deep spiritual meaning for him for his spiritual life and direction. This forty day period is like a time of aligning yourself back to God's place, spending more time in prayer with the Lord.
We all have weaknesses that are easy to exploit. Often impatience and stress will drive us to do things that we should not. Use this Lent to acknowledge with Him; with Him you can do anything.
Joyful Abundance,
""Jesus answered him, "It is also written: "Do not put the Lord your God to the test."" Matthew 4:7
Have a wonderful Sunday!