no 56 Miniature Roses
Contemporary Floral Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
11 x 14 inches Oil on Linen Panel
Contact me with title for purchasing information or to commission a painting. Laurie
Contemporary Floral Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
11 x 14 inches Oil on Linen Panel
Contact me with title for purchasing information or to commission a painting. Laurie

"For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother." Mark 3:35
I truly do not know the direction this blog is going but I am praying as I do go forward. Two things keep streaming through my mind, "My Brother" and "Crowds of People".
When my kids were young their favorite Seuss book was Are you my mother? We wore the cover off several editions in short time. Do you know the story? There is a mother bird that leaves baby bird in the nest to go find him something to eat. Baby bird wakes up and looks around and begins to wonder? and WANDER. He goes looking for his mother. He approaches bull-dozers, dogs, cats, etc and each thing he encounters he asks the same question, "ARE YOU MY MOTHER". Finally the end of the story he see this huge airplane flying over head and decides that has to be his mother...but at last it is not... his mother appears with a worm for him and they do live happily ever after. I like those endings. My youngest son loved to play the game. We would be in a store and him in the basket of course and as we walked down grocery aisles he would ask women we passed, "are you my mother?" Yes, I had quite a few puzzled stares.
When you are out in the work a day world surrounded by the massive seas of humanity, how do you know who to trust and who is a believer? How do you know "are you of my Father?" You can't really walk up to them and say "are you my Brother?" Or can you? I believe if you stop and study an individual for about 2-3 minutes, you can pull together an idea of what type person they are by how they interact with people around them. During that time prayer helps too.
Think about it, one face in the crowd is soft and elderly on the outside. Inside are hidden thoughts to snatch your purse when you drop your guard. There is the face of a young 19 year old kid with tatoos and an ipod; he looks kinda scary, but when the old person snatches your purse and takes off before you can even react...that 19 year old kid sprints ahead and snatches the purse back from them and returns it to you. How do you know who is your brother? It didn't take long to figure that one out.
God's family is accepting and will not exclude anyone. Jesus did not show partiality as He allowed everyone to come to the table and know God. You must obey God to be part of His family. He is the Father. Every day lives are transformed by God. Jesus' disciples were all ordinary men from ordinary jobs, but through their belief in Him as He was resurrected, they became powerful witnesses to carry forth the good news. They became extraordinary.
Show the best part of what God gave you as you interact with your world.
Joy and Abundance,
"A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into thefire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them." Matthew 7:18-20
When my kids were young their favorite Seuss book was Are you my mother? We wore the cover off several editions in short time. Do you know the story? There is a mother bird that leaves baby bird in the nest to go find him something to eat. Baby bird wakes up and looks around and begins to wonder? and WANDER. He goes looking for his mother. He approaches bull-dozers, dogs, cats, etc and each thing he encounters he asks the same question, "ARE YOU MY MOTHER". Finally the end of the story he see this huge airplane flying over head and decides that has to be his mother...but at last it is not... his mother appears with a worm for him and they do live happily ever after. I like those endings. My youngest son loved to play the game. We would be in a store and him in the basket of course and as we walked down grocery aisles he would ask women we passed, "are you my mother?" Yes, I had quite a few puzzled stares.
When you are out in the work a day world surrounded by the massive seas of humanity, how do you know who to trust and who is a believer? How do you know "are you of my Father?" You can't really walk up to them and say "are you my Brother?" Or can you? I believe if you stop and study an individual for about 2-3 minutes, you can pull together an idea of what type person they are by how they interact with people around them. During that time prayer helps too.
Think about it, one face in the crowd is soft and elderly on the outside. Inside are hidden thoughts to snatch your purse when you drop your guard. There is the face of a young 19 year old kid with tatoos and an ipod; he looks kinda scary, but when the old person snatches your purse and takes off before you can even react...that 19 year old kid sprints ahead and snatches the purse back from them and returns it to you. How do you know who is your brother? It didn't take long to figure that one out.
God's family is accepting and will not exclude anyone. Jesus did not show partiality as He allowed everyone to come to the table and know God. You must obey God to be part of His family. He is the Father. Every day lives are transformed by God. Jesus' disciples were all ordinary men from ordinary jobs, but through their belief in Him as He was resurrected, they became powerful witnesses to carry forth the good news. They became extraordinary.
Show the best part of what God gave you as you interact with your world.
Joy and Abundance,
"A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into thefire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them." Matthew 7:18-20