No 50 Energy Red Series
Contemporary Art Palette Knife Acrylic/Oil Overlays Horse Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
SOLD 2/08/09
Thank you!
30 x 30 x 3/4 inch Gallery Canvas Oil overlaid over the Acrylics
Contact me to purchase and mention the title of the painting: Laurie
Contemporary Art Palette Knife Acrylic/Oil Overlays Horse Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
SOLD 2/08/09
Thank you!
30 x 30 x 3/4 inch Gallery Canvas Oil overlaid over the Acrylics
Contact me to purchase and mention the title of the painting: Laurie

""He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.' " Matthew 25:45
Well, I posted my red Valentine painting a day late from the group... But my heART is here and in the swing of it all. Blasting into this season of love and Lent coming up I am exploring the contrast of dark and bright, seasoned with light and in future pieces just the opposite. The work will be centered around color theory.
I think the question I am asked most, is "How do you come up with your ideas of what to paint?" I also remember discussing recently with another artist the days before... THE DAYS BEFORE....
This would be the days before stepping out in faith and leaving the classroom and monthly paycheck for the grace of using my gift of art. Sort of a quiet moment when you are sitting there, or standing there, with an empty canvas before you, an empty sketch book next to you; the paints are new and neatly stacked in color order; brushes ready in the brush holder with the linseed and paper towels nearby.
I am here.
I have no more paychecks coming in from the school district.
I am free.
I am poor with no income.
I am rich with talent.
I have no clue what to paint.
What do I do now?
I have no more paychecks coming in from the school district.
I am free.
I am poor with no income.
I am rich with talent.
I have no clue what to paint.
What do I do now?
Looking back I laugh now. I can afford to step back and laugh. Notice all the I's.... As I sat there ready to step out in faith, I was centered in myself and the room. I was centered all in the I's.
The work from my studio is God centered and spirit led. Each painting is prayed over before it is begun. Even when sketching ideas out, which is usually at night before bed, the Holy Spirit is sought to guide me.
The work from my studio is God centered and spirit led. Each painting is prayed over before it is begun. Even when sketching ideas out, which is usually at night before bed, the Holy Spirit is sought to guide me.
God is here.
God provides for my every need.
God's love and grace are free.
Money is not a necessity in His world.
God has provided gifts to be used.
The Holy Spirit works 24/7.
Listen, He will tell you...
God-centering your life is a choice and a change you can make. We are all so distracted in our self-centered lives, we follow our list of priorities, which often are hiding our personal agendas. To take the time to study the scriptures and live by what is in the bible means us giving up our personal goals and trusting that God will set us on the path for our own greater good. Trying to do this alone is a daunting task. That is why it is so important to have Christian friends and even a church family to keep you centered in God and not yourself. Being accountable makes it a priority.
GOD CENTERED...try it, see how it bursts through your life and magnifies the depth of living and appreciating everything you have.
With Joyful Abundance,
"Do not ignore it when the Lord disciplines you, and do not be discouraged when He corrects you. For the Lord corrects those He loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights." - Proverbs 3:11
God provides for my every need.
God's love and grace are free.
Money is not a necessity in His world.
God has provided gifts to be used.
The Holy Spirit works 24/7.
Listen, He will tell you...
God-centering your life is a choice and a change you can make. We are all so distracted in our self-centered lives, we follow our list of priorities, which often are hiding our personal agendas. To take the time to study the scriptures and live by what is in the bible means us giving up our personal goals and trusting that God will set us on the path for our own greater good. Trying to do this alone is a daunting task. That is why it is so important to have Christian friends and even a church family to keep you centered in God and not yourself. Being accountable makes it a priority.
GOD CENTERED...try it, see how it bursts through your life and magnifies the depth of living and appreciating everything you have.
With Joyful Abundance,
"Do not ignore it when the Lord disciplines you, and do not be discouraged when He corrects you. For the Lord corrects those He loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights." - Proverbs 3:11