Her Favorite Polka Dot Shoes
Contemporary Pot Art Daily Painting Shoe Art by Laurie Justus Pace
8 x 10 inches of Slick Acrylic Color Varnished heavily.
Contact me to purchase and include title of painting. Laurie
Contemporary Pot Art Daily Painting Shoe Art by Laurie Justus Pace
8 x 10 inches of Slick Acrylic Color Varnished heavily.
Contact me to purchase and include title of painting. Laurie

"And God said, "Let the waters swarm with fish and other life. Let the skies be filled with birds of every kind." Genesis 1:20
God created the polka dot. Dots appear on so many things from the bark on some trees, to hard mottled rocks to flowers and feathers. When you think of animals that change colors and different types of foliage and camouflage... dots and polka dots are in all of it. Oh and how about those beautiful blue speckled eggs found in the early nests in the spring?
Have you ever flipped over some of those ferns that come from the florist? On the underside there are spots (spores) and what about all the animals with spots? Can you name some of those? Go to the beach and see fish and sea shells all gorgeously decked out in spots. My favorite flower on the stem is the Spider lily with its spots. Many birds have "spotted chests".
Golly, from fur, flower, fowl, fish, animals, butterflies and humans with freckles... polka dots are every where. Least we not forget mushrooms, toads frogs, turtles, worms, beetles and bugs. God has a wonderful sense of creation. I do believe He likes Polka Dots as much as my daughter does. I hope Lauren likes them too!
Terry skipped out on working on the kitchen to care for me last night. Sinus headache from our unusual weather tied in with unhappy stomach has kept me under the weather for several days now. I hope to paint this morning and get back into the groove.... I have an opening at the Dutch Art Gallery this Saturday, so if you are in the area, Saturday afternoon is the time, and the Dutch Art Gallery is the place. Pam is featuring several local artists so it is a beautiful display of colorful work in many styles. Email me for directions if you need them. I will be there as long as Stacey is not having the baby.
Do me a favor...see how many things you can find today with God's Polka Dots. Connect the dots back to Him.
"And God said, "Let the earth bring forth every kind of animal, livestock, small animals and wildlife." And so it was." Genesis 1:24