Contemporary Palette Knife ART Dog Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 48 inches of strength and color, Oil on Canvas
FRONT COVER of The Sighthound Magazine Issue 9/10 Winter 2008-2009
Contemporary Palette Knife ART Dog Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 48 inches of strength and color, Oil on Canvas
FRONT COVER of The Sighthound Magazine Issue 9/10 Winter 2008-2009

"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God." Psalm 42:1
It was such a surprise to get the mail in today and find a package with two copies of the newest SIGHTHOUND Magazine in my mailbox. One of the paintings I did last year for a collector in Sweden last year is the front cover of the Winter 2008-2009 Magazine. MY BABIES!!!! I love it!
I truly have to give thanks to a collector in Ohio, Anne, who advised me last year to begin painting these wonderful dogs because of their grace and build being so similar to the horses I paint. Thank you Anne for giving me another purpose and direction with my artwork.
When I think of the connections of so many generous people that came together for this to happen, I know God is in the midst of it all. There was a purpose as it all begin to unfold last year about this time.
So today I pray you will begin the day with peace in your heart and live this day with purpose to be in God's grace. Share His peace, His joy, His strength and His blessings with everyone today. It is so easy in life to drift from the true purpose that is in His plans for you. Our own desires begin to creep in and change our direction so easily. We begin living each day to live and not to give. So today, pray before you begin...pray to live this day with a purpose to honor Him.
In Joyful Abundance,
"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says" James 1:22
When I think of the connections of so many generous people that came together for this to happen, I know God is in the midst of it all. There was a purpose as it all begin to unfold last year about this time.
So today I pray you will begin the day with peace in your heart and live this day with purpose to be in God's grace. Share His peace, His joy, His strength and His blessings with everyone today. It is so easy in life to drift from the true purpose that is in His plans for you. Our own desires begin to creep in and change our direction so easily. We begin living each day to live and not to give. So today, pray before you begin...pray to live this day with a purpose to honor Him.
In Joyful Abundance,
"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says" James 1:22