Contemporary Art Daily Painters Challenge January 2008 Self Portrait by Laurie Justus Pace
8 x 10 inches Oil on Linen
I cannot image WHO would want to buy my self-portrait, but contact me if you are interested in commission work! Laurie
I was ready to blog at seven this morning but then read my emails and realized we were suppose to post self portraits today. I have one done back in 1995 and it is 2/3rds complete. I also have a watercolor done LEFT handed in 2003 but I do not know where it resides in my portfolio cases. So I decided to paint one from scratch. I had my FAVORITE RED SCARF made by Charlotte in Sacramento, and I tossed it around my head, snapped a few shots and then printed one out to work by. This is 2 and a half hours later and you have my self portrait.Contemporary Art Daily Painters Challenge January 2008 Self Portrait by Laurie Justus Pace
8 x 10 inches Oil on Linen
I cannot image WHO would want to buy my self-portrait, but contact me if you are interested in commission work! Laurie

If all of a sudden you got this visit from the Angel Gabriel to your home...yes he just appears next to you in the kitchen, or across from you sitting in the living room....what would you do? Most of us might faint and some might have a panic attack. Gabriel assures you that he was sent by the Father to you and he was interested in finding out what you thought you could put into a self portrait of your life.
My suggestion to figuring this out is for you to go buy an inexpensive sketch book about 11 x 14 inches in size. Fine some scissors, glue and big envelopes. Mark the envelopes LOVE, FRIENDS, HOME, HEART, FAMILY, GOD, DREAMS, WORK, and ENJOYMENT. Now pull out all the magazines in your home and begin looking through them. The sky is the limit. Cut out anything that calls to you. (this is like going into a store and buying ANYTHING you want and price does not matter...you cannot believe how enjoyable this is.) Place your cut out item into one of the marked envelopes that best fits where it falls in your life. Fill those envelopes. Take several weeks. Make sure you ask at the doctors office when you are there next week, if it is okay if you tear out a page or two. You will find yourself addicted to scouring through print magazine for things for your envelopes. OH cut out words and phrases too.
After a decent amount of collecting...divide your sketch book up into sections for each envelope. Then begin with your first one. YOU CHOOSE the order you want the nine things above. What I listed was a random order. Being collaging the cut out things onto the pages...overlap and glue and sit back and enjoy yourself. This is your self-portrait.
This will show you who you are and what things you usually keep hidden from your life or from others. I have two of these started. I will try and remember to find them and snap photos for a slide show so you can see who I truly am, besides this painting above. I have one book complete and started another one in Wyoming with Amanda Smith, the international Photographer I did a show with in August of 2007. I need to finish it up...and start my third. When you go back and look through them you will be amazed at who you are and you begin to see all the good God placed in you when He created you.
Go and create.... start it today. If you have children old enough, allow them to do one too.
Joy and Abundance,
"And then the Lord God formed a man's body from the dust of the ground and breathed into it the breath of life. And the man became a living person." Genesis 2:7