No 13 Day of Reckoning
Contemporary Art Palette Knife Daily Horse Abstract Painting
24 x 36 inches Mixed Mediums Oil on Canvas
Contact me to purchase: Laurie
Contemporary Art Palette Knife Daily Horse Abstract Painting
24 x 36 inches Mixed Mediums Oil on Canvas
Contact me to purchase: Laurie

Terry is home today and we have a wedding in the family. I did take pictures at Stacey's shower yesterday but have not had time to unload the camera, so those will follow later this week.
It was nice waking up in bed at 7:00 a.m. and not 4:30 a.m., and the two of us just talking and reflecting on things without any tension or direction of negativity. Yvonne, one of my oldest friends, and Stacey's Godmother, was in for the shower yesterday. We visited for quite a while in between all the festivities and something she said made powerful sense. I have always been a goal setter, but she revealed that she and her husband limit the goal setting to 3-5 years out and they adjust it annually. Deep rooted in their faith, they know their plans are not the same as God's plans, but if they didn't continue to keep a goal in front of them, they would lose purpose in life.
All of us worry so much and lose so much of our life to worry or guilt. We often become discouraged by situations and know things cannot stay as they are and anxiously await the change we know is coming, bracing ourselves for the fall out. The uncertainties of the future have always weighed heavily on mankind. The "What Ifs" can really send you into a panic.
Resolution is in God's time not ours. It is not easy to sit back and wait upon the Lord; when we make the decision to make changes on our own without praying about it first, we invite in the pain that results.
Having a focus makes that wait possible to endure. I can compare it easily with a pregnancy. When you get pregnant, those nine months stretch ahead of you. Nine months that you could loose that baby, or something might go wrong. You endure the nine months often in a state of worry or concern until the baby is safely born and in your arms. Your focus is that moment that gets you through those nine months. God's plan is in process and all the worry is done by your choice, not His. He is not worried, and He truly does not want you to be worried.
It was easy to use the pregnancy as an example as my daughter is on bed rest in her 33rd week and we are praying for at least three more weeks of growth in the womb before Lauren arrives. But I know there are many of you out there reading this blog that are enduring something horrific and suffering through it. You know things are changing and you feel powerless in the struggle and wait. Realize there is an end to it eventually and a resolution will occur. I can hear you crying out to the Lord, "How much longer do I have to wait?"
Be patient. Be careful what you ask for. God hears your cry and He knows your heart. He alone is the master of the plan. I promise you, your waiting will not last one second longer than it is suppose to in accordance to His plan. Let it all go, if just for today. Be childlike and let your Father take control. Give up the worry and live today; laugh today and love today. Give it to Him to carry.
Read Psalm 13 today when you have time...
Joy and Abundance,
"Look on me and answer, O Lord my God, Give Light to my eyes." Psalm 13:3
"But I will trust in your unfailing love. I will rejoice because you ahve rescued me. I will sing ot the Lord because He has been so good to me." Psalms 13:5-6