Ma Mère
Contemporary Palette Knife Art Horse Oil Daily Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 36 x 2 inches of Acrylic and Oil overlays.
SOLD (2 of 4 for a private collector in California)
Contact me for paintings for your home.This is the second in the Family Series for a California Collector. The series was designed specifically for her home and the versatility of movement with other paintings she has already purchased from me. I would love to work with you on something created Just For You.
Contact me: Laurie
Contemporary Palette Knife Art Horse Oil Daily Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 36 x 2 inches of Acrylic and Oil overlays.
SOLD (2 of 4 for a private collector in California)
Contact me for paintings for your home.This is the second in the Family Series for a California Collector. The series was designed specifically for her home and the versatility of movement with other paintings she has already purchased from me. I would love to work with you on something created Just For You.
Contact me: Laurie
The collector had loved the horse on Hints of Early Spring, so with this painting I remembered the tilt of the head of the horse and plowed forward. This "mother" piece contrasts the basic colors in "the Sire" from yesterday. Both horses show the strength of age and and majesty of grace. Watch for the colts over the next two days. I finished the last one yesterday.
When paintings compliment each other and they hang in a room together, they play off each other through movement and color. They literally bring out the best in each other. In our relationships in life we are blessed with the ability to stay positive and focus on the God given good in every individual. If there are two paintings in a room that literally clash in color and style, no one every looks at them or has a viewer relationship with them. No different, if your friends are living without God in their lives, they could possibly pull you away with their lifestyle if you are not cautious. If your closest friends know the Lord, then you will bring out the best in each other. The spirit within reflects outwardly and when there is a common element in the foundation of the painting/person, the best is always brought out by the strength of the common threads.
Be encouraged today to spend time seeking the good in others. Reflect out the great gifts God has given you. Find friends that help you grow stronger in God's love.
With Joyful Abundance,
"I am a friend to all who fear You, to those who keep your precepts." Psalm 119:63