In the Light, Peonies No 1
Contemporary Floral Flower Art Daily Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
30 x 24 x 2 inches of Oil on Canvas
Contact me: Laurie
Contemporary Floral Flower Art Daily Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
30 x 24 x 2 inches of Oil on Canvas
Contact me: Laurie

"For God made two great lights, the sun and the moon, to shine down upon the earth. The greater one, the sun presides during the day and the lesser one, the moon presides through the night. He also made the stars. God set these lights in the heavens to light the earth, to govern the day and the night and to separate the light form the darkness. And God saw that is was good." Genesis 1:16-18
A huge light bulb went off in my head as I read this verse early this morning. I began to realize the power of the Sun in our universe. God is the power of the sun, its energy and it's light. Then there is the moon that revolves around the earth. The moon would not have the power of light with out the Sun. We are like that moon. We are darkness with out the light that God shines onto us. In turn we are to reflect that light into the world.
It is the new year. Answer the door, God is knocking. Open the door today and let the light come blasting through that door. Last year you walked so much of the journey alone finding your way in darkness. Only He can walk with you, lighting the way and strengthening you. Next to Him you will stand tall against pain and hurt. With Him you will embrace forgiveness of others and forgiveness of yourself. With Him you will walk in faith that He will provide without fail.
He is knocking, are you going to answer the door? As He walks into your life you will realize your self-sufficiency was truly not enough. You need Him. He will relieve your stress and calm your anxiety. Through Him you will know your present reality is not your destiny, for He has plans to make you new today. Believe in Him and believe in yourself. The quiet energy begins to bubble up inside of you, wanting to blossom out to others. Now is the time to use those gifts He has given you. With out arrogance or pride, give from your heart.
Yes it is a new day today, a new year, a new beginning. Walk in the light and reflect it on to others around you. As your constant companion, God is always waiting for you to talk to Him, ever patient, ever loving and always ready to provide you with what you NEED. Allow your selfishness and single center attitudes to die away with 2008. Embrace a new you and start the new year with God.
He is lighting the way...
Joy and Abundance,
Love you sister!