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Contemporary ART Daily Painting Horse Equine by Laurie Justus Pace

20 x 24 x 2 Oil on Canvas

Contact Me for commission work: Laurie

I am on a new mouse today. Logitec finally shipped my mouse to me. I ordered ONE WEEK ago and paid for overnight shipping as I was with out and using a small mouse on the computer. UGH...Finally they shipped it. Originally I figured, order online and ship overnight. Faster than going to Best Buy where they may or may not have it. It is the new AIR mouse that I can sit back in my chair and put my feet up and navigate by twirling my hand in the air like a conductor. Pretty darn cool and very touch responsive. I am beginning to get use to it.

Yesterday I wrote about feeling overwhelmed. I had a long list to do plus an appointment with mom and lunch with my brother. I did it all. I refused to get anxious about my long list yesterday and focused on God and the current project I was on and I blew through everything, including being home in time to varnish eight paintings before I taught my guitar students.
I highly recommend it....being overwhelmed with the Lord and His gifts.

Yesterday I drove Mom to the hairdresser. Now normally she does this herself, but she made a questionable choice this weekend and ended up injuring herself. She dislocated her shoulder in a fall. I debated sharing the entire story and I decided I can't, but lets just say she was doing something incredible dangerous that most folks under 20 do all the time. As we get older we hopefully get wiser NOT to make those mistakes. Well, I know she won't do it again. My brothers took her to the ER on Sunday night while I was at the wedding. I distinctly remember my oldest son had a reputation at the ER we went there so often. They designed a paper plack with his name on it and would stick it up with tape over an exam room door whenever we walked into the ER with him. He ate his grandfather gout pills; he ate deoderant; he climbed up the side of the piano and fell off sitting at the top; he rode his tricycle down a 60 degree angled driveway crashing into the street; he was stung by wasps as a toddler; I could go on...but I know you get the message. Hummm, I do believe at Doctors Hospital they are going to do that with Mother. This is trip four in less than a year. They are going to suspect "Parental Abuse" at this rate from us kids. I promise I was at the wedding, I didn't push her...she always pushes herself into doing things she should not do.

This is going to be along blog because where I was going with this was to the book I am reading (Thank you Kathy) called Twelve Extraordinary Women by John MacArthur. I am also reading the male version of the disciples that he wrote first about the 12 men, but I grabbed this book heading to the hairdresser appt so I would have something to read. I made it through the preface and into the first chapter. The deeper I got the more I appreciated John MacArthur. If he is married, she is one lucky woman.

In the first Chapter of Eve, he is quick to point out that Eve was the only being created by God's hands from LIVING TISSUE. Everything else was made from nothing and Adam was made from a handful of dust...or dirt you might say. So man came from dirt and woman was intentionally created from living tissue and was flawless. Hummm, don't you like John too?
As a major character (Eve) in the history of creation and our being here today, we know very little about her; she is only mentioned by name four times in the bible, twice in the Old Testament and twice in the New Testament.

The book is really good and I am still not finished with the chapter on Eve because mom was not there long. I left off where John was writing about Genesis 2:20-25 where God caused Adam to fall into the deep sleep and took one of his ribs to knit together a woman. John's logic here is wonderful. God did surgery on Adam, yet Adam felt nothing. Pretty serious stuff don't you think? The words in the bible say," The Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept." Genesis 2:21 Adam was in a natural sleep, a deep sleep and felt no pain. John feels the pureness of this moment reflects how God's grace is always received, naturally. It takes no effort or activity but flows naturally to us.

Sit and be quiet today and receive His grace. Allow it to seep through every tense muscle and focus on breathing while it does. I think you will find His grace restful.

Joy and Abundance,

"So Adam gave names to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him. And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept: and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. And Adam said: "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man." Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and they shall become on flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashmaned." Genesis 2:20-25


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