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Contemporary Art Mixed Medium Child at Piano by Laurie Justus Pace

24 x 36 inches Acrylic and Varnish Overlays
Contact me with a best offer or commission one the size you need: Laurie

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” - Matthew 7:7-8

Made it through yesterday... and now today I will be pulled between commission work and cleaning house. Oh, throw in making dog food this morning for my hungry dogs and also making fresh chicken and veggie soup with pasta dumplings for dinner....somewhere in there I will paint and try and clean a bit!

This painting I finished up yesterday. It is at this moment hanging in a 9 million dollar home as part of its staging for sale. I work with a decorator here in Dallas that does fabulous work. Last summer I did many pieces for her that she has used rotating them in and out of different homes and has sold some of them. This was needed to fill in a gap on the fireplace where the Grand Piano sits close by. It is for sale through me or through her. I rarely do one of these this big because of the antique music I used behind the paint.

Behind the Paint...humm, where can we go with that this morning? Hang on and here we go with my thoughts...

An artist starts out with a blank canvas. Sometimes there is a vague idea in mind of direction and the artist picks up a piece of charcoal or a brush loaded with watered down burnt sienna...and the artist begins to sketch and draw. Now visualize that white canvas with lines beginning to shape into form. The artist steps back and analyzes the composition, often reaching in and changing a stroke here or there firming up and giving shape to form.

As the artist begins to play with the form and add colors, values and texture, the unconscious image truly become visible and the form now identifiable as it comes "to life". The viewer is an awe watching the process of the artist as he layers each area with values and highlights. Once complete, we become attached to the final painting, no longer seeing the original sketching in charcoal, or the layers of intermediate colors and values building on the surface, from the under painting to the top layer of finish paint and varnish.

But it is still all invisible to the naked eye, but still there in reality. The end result of the picture could not be where it is with out the layers of work. Such is true with ourselves and God. We are so busy on the surface of our lives at this moment, we forget the under layers of ourselves and our true nature from God. There are creative layers of gifts he has given us that we have "painted" right over. There are experiences we have had in our lifetimes that are part of that layering of ourselves that brought us to be who we are today. Every day you are evolving to a new point and a new place. The only unchanging thing in your life is GOD with His ever-giving grace and love for each of us.

I was walking Annie-the-dog yesterday around one in the afternoon. I was trying to get some exercise due to a painful kidney stone. We took off and I headed toward the elementary school. My little brother went to school there MANY years ago and I taught there for two years. As I walked by the south east wing of the school and saw the windows of my old room, I could almost feel the energy radiating out of the building accumulated over the past 50 years that school has been there. It was in that split second I realized I taught there over 15 years ago. That was a layer in my life. I have entertained the prospect of returning to the classroom, but now after that realization, I do not believe it is the right direction. I cannot go back to that layer in m life, I have to build forward from where I am at this moment.

As I sit here typing this morning at 6:30 CST, I realize that God is working right now and I am still painting on this layer of my life preparing for the next layer. I want to stay close to Him and prepare in the right ways for what is ahead and I can only do that through Him.

Have you forgotten the layers in your life? Concentrate today as you realize what you do today prepares you for tomorrow. Allow His grace to move into your life and it will transform you and arm you for what is ahead. Pray as you go for guidance to use the right paint on this layer of your life.

What's behind your paint?

Joy and Abundance,

"When he came and saw the grace of God, he rejoiced, and he exhorted them all to remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast devotion."--Acts 11:23


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