Contemporary Art Daily Painting Horse Palette Knife by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 30 inches
Oil on Canvas
Contact me for your commission work: Laurie
Contemporary Art Daily Painting Horse Palette Knife by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 30 inches
Oil on Canvas
Contact me for your commission work: Laurie

Okay so I took heat from my daughter. No she is not lazy in the sense of lazy... she is part of the generation that likes Lean Cuisine and the EASE of using it. I am a control freak that makes 98% of everything from scratch. The only frozen stuff in my freezer is meat from MT Vernon and Sheriff Elect Paul Fletcher and his lovely wife Vicki, some old Klondyke bars, and some frozen corn and peas in bags that we use to treat injuries!
On to new things! If you heard the words, LET ME BE THERE. What is your first thought? Let WHOM be where? As a teen in the sixties and seventies I grew up with some truly inspiring music, both good and bad, but of course I loved it all. I played my guitar in church, took it to church camp and also played and performed at an airforce base north of Sherman TX. We could adapt ANY song to bring it into a message, including doing the Lord's prayer to the House of the Rising Sun. But one of my favorites that stuck to me all these years was Let Me Be There. I cannot even tell you who wrote it or anything about it, but the lyrics are engraved in my head. Folks this could be dangerous with kids today with some of the rap lyrics out there.
My thought is that GOD wants to be there. We simply do not allow it, or bring Him into our lives on a minute to minute basis. He wants to share in all of it, the rejoicing, the laughter, the pain and the sorrow. So in this advent week of HOPE I ask you to Let Him Be There! Share it all with Him, the good and the bad. The Holy Spirit that lives in you knows it all before you do. Go to the Father and Let Him Be There. This is the Song of my heart.
Joy and Abundance,
"Each of us was given grace according to the measure of Christ's gift."--Ephesians 4:7