Sharing a Hug
Contemporary Art Daily Painting Horse by Laurie Justus Pace
8 x 10 Oil on Linen Panel
GIFT for friend.
For commission work, please contact me: Laurie
Contemporary Art Daily Painting Horse by Laurie Justus Pace
8 x 10 Oil on Linen Panel
GIFT for friend.
For commission work, please contact me: Laurie

YES I AM WAY LATE POSTING! It was snowing when we got up and we HAD to go out in it of course. I needed to make the grocery store for a huge package of ground beef to make the dogs food. We lucked out and got a BUY IT NOW huge package for only $3.00. They will eat well the next five days. I use my big soup pot and fill it with about 8-9 cups of water. To that water as it begins to heat to a boil I add garlic and onion diced, and any left over veggies from the frig. Today it was small grape tomatoes, yellow squash, broccoli, black beans, and of course carrots. I also drop some vitamin D drops in the mixture along with a 1/4 cup of Olive Oil. When this comes to a boil, we add four cups of brown rice. You let this cook until the rice is done. At this point you add either chopped up chicken that you boiled and deboned or you add ground meat that is cooked, sauteed etc. This feeds our two medium sized dogs for about 5 days. THEY LOVE IT and they are much more content. We do not have grumpy dogs.
I told Terry we would lose weight and feel better if we ate what they ate. We may try it.
Here is our early run to the store:
During this holiday season do you find yourself often wanting more? I look around at all the tempting displays in the stores and yeah, I could find a place for almost anything. When we drive around and I see all the lights and people's 'stuff'... I always think what it would be like to have anything I wanted. When I see others that have so much more 'stuff' it is always tempting to think 'what if?'. I conclude though when I blink my eyes from the 'stuff' that it is just earthly and with that 'stuff' comes more stress. When you are stressed you are more at risk to be combative with those that you love, or those near by as you wind tighter and tighter at work or home. Sometimes bitterness and envy mix with selfish ambition. This is all worldly and goes with the 'stuff' you are blinded with.
Live in constant communion with God and you will be in harmony with His wisdom. Your life will be filled with peace and gentleness no matter what you face. As I blogged recently, you can't get to JOY until you confront your pain and fears. Well, you can't find peace and harmony until you let go of the worldly 'stuff' that creates such deep conflicts within you.
It is James that writes of this in the Bible. I think it is in the fourth chapter. Find the time today to look it up and read the chapter. It is small...but says volumes.
Keep the Joy alive this week!
"Such "wisdom" does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere." James 3:15-16