Contemporary Art Palette Knife Horse Art Daily Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 48 OIL thick!
SOLD and still wet, waiting to ship for the holidays
Contact me for a gift, still time to paint and ship it to you! Laurie

RED, she told me she loved the painting I posted yesterday. She had seen the original I posted 10 days ago before I repainted the orange background. RED, she wanted Red. She had also seen the one I painted that was three horses in a 30 x 36 inch venue...she loved that red, so I combined the two looks into one for the PERFECT RED painting for her. What is fun is sending pictures along the way so the collector can see the process as it goes and grows. This is painting that is enjoyable and very creative. Racing the Wind will head up to New York where it will live in the gorgeous four season state! Texas only has two seasons, Hot and Warm.
Thank You Notes. I remember as a child my mother keeping lists at birthdays and Christmas and being very strict about writing Thank You Notes. She pounded into us if someone took the time to do something for you, you needed to say Thank you, or they might not do it the next time. Those that are doing the giving like to know several things: first, did you get the gift; second, did you like the gift and will you use it? I have to admit in this time of the computer age I have replaced snail mail with email. That is probably NOT the best habit to have fallen into. I know I always say something verbally to say thank you when I receive a gift, but is that just a quick off the collar, "Thanks?"
Are you teaching your little ones, be it your children or grandchildren the grace of saying Thank You and why it is so important? The motivation is the hidden secret that when you do send Thank You notes, the frequency and quality of the gifts you receive increase. Let's face it, people like to feel appreciated, and if you give notice to their actions, they are likely to do it again knowing how appreciative you are. I remember my first stationary was my mom's that she let me use. I labored over my printing so it would be legible for my grandmother, my aunt and uncle and my god-parents. That stayed with me in snail mail Thank yous until about five years ago. I think I need to revert back. Keep it simple and sincere. KISS. Small notes do the trick and follow these simple steps.
First Greet the Giver - people love to hear their own names. That is why at the grocery store I always great the checker and say good-bye using the name on their tag. Makes them feel special. So when you are writing a Thank You note, use the words: "Dear Grandma" or "Dear Wonderful Grandma" much more is overdoing it!
Then express your gratitude. KISS Keep is simple sweetie... "Thank you for the handmade warm green robe." This is where you teach your little ones to find describing words so it is not just "the robe". If the gift was money you should never mention the amount at all. Some folks say do not even mention money, just do, "Your kindness is appreciated." but with my kids, I taught them to write, "Thank so much for sending me money. I am saving up to buy a new bike and you have helped me get closer to my goal." I always wanted them to mention HOW they might spent the money so the giver would have an image in mind of their money doing good things.
That puts us into the third area of the note, discuss the use. With the gift of money I did that in one swoop of a sentence...but the robe, "Grandma ( I always use their name again since people like to hear or read their name) the robe will keep me wrapped up in your love all year long." Little did she know I kept that robe for 40 years before I donated it to a womens shelter.
The last part of the note should make a tie in to your life somehow. "I missed seeing you at Christmas this year, but we will see you soon." or "I wish you could have been here at Christmas this year, you were missed." or for that someone that is just a friend, you might write something as simple as "You are always in my thoughts; I hope all is going well for you and your family."
Grace is always a good sprinkle toward the more "Thanks again for such a special gift!" and then close your note with a simple wrap up, "All my love, Laurie".
Now that I covered the handwriting note for the gift giver, how would you convert that to prayer to the ultimate giver in our lives? He loves to hear His name, and He loves to know how much He pleases you. He wants to know you appreciate what He does in your life. Remember earlier when I wrote, the giver is more likely to give more if the giving is appreciated? What do you have to give thanks for this morning? I am beginning to think of writing a new journal for 2009 and everyday, short or long, writing only thank yous to God. Heck you could keep a list in the kitchen on the frig if you need too, but I think it is worth the try. The more we stop and think of all we have to give Him thanks for, the sooner we realize how blessed we truly are in our lives. You will find your blood pressure dropping and your stress melting away. Now much is that worth to you right now?
Make Thank Yous a Habit! WRITE THEM DOWN.
The video below is a reading from Luke 1:5-38. It is not very long and is not the whole story, just the first background of the Christmas Story. I hope to do a reading to post every Friday during advent to cover reading the story in Luke. Enjoy it, or skip it...just keep it simple and remember He is the reason for the season.
Joy and Abundance,
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." Colossians 3:16-18