Posse of White
Contemporary Art Palette Knife Oil Daily Paintings Horse by Laurie Justus Pace
I repainted the background, I think the thicker orange pops out the horses better.
Contact me to purchase. Laurie
Contemporary Art Palette Knife Oil Daily Paintings Horse by Laurie Justus Pace
I repainted the background, I think the thicker orange pops out the horses better.
Contact me to purchase. Laurie

I had this one hanging in the studio and decided it needed more orange paint so I attacked it again and am re-posting it. I have been busy with commission pieces I will start posting tomorrow. I can't wait to share them!
I am late posting as I was working on the Lakewood Series Book Submission this morning. I decided to combine some of my chapters. My word count is enough but my chapters were too many. Takes a while to go through 175 pages renumbering and retitling chapters with out confusing it all.
I am sure God feels that way when He is sorting through our individual chapters. We tend to be controlling and heading off in our own directions to do things. He has to take the time to untangle what we have done and create distractions in our lives to head us back onto the path He wants us on. I talk about that in my book submission that real life never is predictable.
To many of us it seems God is unpredictable, but I have since concluded that is false. God is forever in one place, one steady direction asking very simple direct things from us. We are the ones taking off in every direction tangling our lives up into a woven mess. I can picture the Holy Spirit within me laughing a lot and shaking his head in amazement at my incredible blunders every day. Stay the course steady and keep God in your focus. There won't be so much to untangle then.
Divine Order is a natural order that we all seem to miss in our lives. God is the only source of this divine order. Rise above your worries and concerns and know He will keep everything in balance.
Joy and Abundance,
"I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I will do, and I will not forsake them." Isaiah 42:16