Contemporary Art Large Brush Horse Daily Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
12 x 24 inches Oil on Canvas
Contact me for commission work. Laurie

Don't forget to scroll down on the right side and see my newly released book of art and
spiritual thoughts inspired by this blog and all of you who asked
WHEN would the book come out!
do it with heART
by Laurie Justus Pace
I am thinking I bought my canteen there too. Yep, I try NOT to use the plastic water bottles either. We also use safe deodorant, shampoo and soaps. The Laurel Sulfate found in 99.9 percent of your personal hygiene stuff is total cancer causing. And you wash your hair how often? I guess Terry and I rarely think about it anymore after 15 years. I remember when I changed the toothpaste out on him, you would have thought I cut him off of coffee. He loved Mentadent. I substituted Uncle Tom's then, we use Jason's now. He was gagging with his toothbrush. I made him keep it up ONE WEEK. Then allowed him to try the Mentadent back and he gagged not wanting to go back. All the toothpastes are pretty deadl with their sweetners. Do some internet research. There were reasons why we did what we did 15 years ago. It takes a small adjustment period but well worth it in health risks.
Are my kids organic? NO. They are lazy and think as all young people do, they are invincible.
So far the only invincible thing I can come up with is God. When googling this subject there was quite a bit to look through. Lots of Christian music out there celebrating the fact. What I recommend is that you hold your consciousness on a direction that is focused on GOD. He alone is the prime directive of pure spiritual power. Like walking on the water. Jesus walked on the water and called to his friends to come on out...the water was good. Peter followed Him, but the instant he took his eyes off of Jesus, he began to sink.
My friends that is what happens in our lives. We take our eyes off of God and we sink. All the failures and negative experiences are learning tools and hopefully you learn to keep your eyes on Him. We are powerless without His grace. Our confidence should not be in ourselves, but in Him to provide and lead.
Time to surrender. Listen to His voice calling to you. Know that He is caring for you and will make all things work for your good. DESPITE what others chat about around you. DESPITE what friends or family members say trying to drag you down...
Surrender to Him.
Joy and Abundance,
"Come," he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!" Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?" Matthew 14:29-31