I have been playing for two days with different mediums. Today I will return to some oil and pack paintings for the Red Tree Gallery. I have to pick up a few frames at the Dutch Art Gallery on Monday before I finish up.
Yesterday I worked on my book submission and hope to have it complete next week. It takes so long...longer than writing at times. Checking and double Checking everything so the proposal is perfect for submission. Don't forget to check out my fictitious journal blog of Lauren Mooring a character from the book: www.LakewoodSeries.blogspot.com Today Lauren blogs about Nanie's cookies and includes an easy kid friendly recipe for the holidays.
Stacey and Larry came around twelve and picked me up. We went to Target where I got to tag along as they completed their registry for baby gifts. I had her choose two of some things as I know Terry and I have nothing to prepare for this arrival. We met Terry for a late lunch and then Terry and I returned home together. I watched Leslie Caron (I probably spelled that wrong) in the movie FANNY. It was wonderful. I actually stayed awake through the whole thing.
Back to the original thought of not being prepared for the arrival of the baby. As we head into the Advent season, are you prepared? Is your heart and mind centered on the true reason for the season and not just the rushing around part? If I could urge you to do anything I urge you to create, make or buy an advent wreath with the four candles on the outside wreath and a center candle. When the kids were still at home, we read the bible and some lessons together every day and lit the appropriate candle/candles. Christmas Day Terry would read the full Christmas story from Luke and we would light the center candle along with all four of the outer candles.

With the wreath you light one candle the first week. So every night when we gathered we lit that same first candle. The second week you light the candle from the first week and the new candle for the second week...each night. The third week you add the third candle to the first two. By Christmas you have all five lit. The underlying symbolism is the accumulation of light as we anticipate the birth of Jesus who is known as the light of the world.
The circular wreath has meaning as well. It represents God's eternity with out beginning or end. The use of evergreens in the wreath is a symbol of everlasting life.
You can use candles of any color, but in our home we use three violet candles and one rose colored candle on the circle of the wreath. Violet color represents faithful expectation and week one is Hope, week two is Peace, week three is Love and week four, the rose candle is Mary's candle symbolizing Joy. The Christmas Day candle is white representing the pureness of Christ and I usually use a wide fat candle for it strength. I then will use that same large candle through out the new year to light in symbolism of this light from the Christmas Day carrying through my year and the year of my family.
Here is a sample site for making and doing advent for the Sundays. We always did it daily, but you have to start somewhere.! CLICK HERE:
We won't have the Advent calendar filled with Chocolate this year, but if you want a good one try Starbucks. Click here. They are out on line, but they have them in the stores! You can refill these every year.
Don't be caught unprepared this year.
Joy and Abundance!
“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.” Psalm 100:4-5