Contemporary Art Daily Painting Dog Schnauzer by Laurie Justus Pace
11 x 14 inches of Oil
Contact me for commission work for Christmas: Laurie
Contemporary Art Daily Painting Dog Schnauzer by Laurie Justus Pace
11 x 14 inches of Oil
Contact me for commission work for Christmas: Laurie

I think I am burned out on cooking for awhile. I had everything made but the cornbread stuffing and left that for my eldest son to fix when he got here. It is something that is a no brainer and he actually is a wonderful cook. When he and Jan arrived she and I decided we would work on the tree and I set Justin to work in the kitchen. It only took about 20 min and I had to go assist. What I had forgotten was how totally messy he is. I spent more time cleaning up than I did anything else. I think I clocked in about 12 hours in cooking and clean up. Then when everyone left they took bags full of food and Terry and I will buy another Turkey this weekend so we can have a week of left overs. I told Terry HE could do the cooking!
The fresh cranberries were awesome....as was the stuffing. Two of my favorites! I have not had breakfest yet this morning and I am debating on ouey gooery butter cake or oatmeal. Which would you eat?
I am painting today and preparing to prepare. PRAYING too as I always do before I start working. I feel very humble and open to His strength and guidance as I work.
When we finally begin to get the picture that someone else is in control, we leave stress behind. If you are ill at this time or have someone in your life with bad health, lets concentrate on allowing God's healing energy to work on you or them. Becoming still and letting go of all the stuff rattling around in your head is hard to do, but do it anyway. Envision God's light warming your body from your toes spreading up your legs and your stomach and back, through your arms and up through your head. This is His divine energy filling you with healing. You can direct it to heal anything inside of you physically, mentally or environmentally. Every fabric of your being feels the warmth from this current and begin repairing.
You are strengthened by this light and warmth. Feel the renewel of your body and it begins to restore itself to full health. There is a peaceful calmness that results from the healing light of God. Each day this power is yours to use, IF you take the time to use it. His light is infinite and there is no limit to how much you receive from Him, so why would you not do it?
Joy and Abundance,
"Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up quickly."--Isaiah 58:8