Contemporary Art Flower Gerbera Daisy by Laurie Justus Pace
20 x 20 inches Oil on Canvas
Contemporary Art Flower Gerbera Daisy by Laurie Justus Pace
20 x 20 inches Oil on Canvas

Saturday and good morning! I have been contemplating the last 24 hours on today's thought and was up and down on it until just this morning. It is subject well covered by many over and over again, but I will do it as a reminder, and perhaps it is meant to just touch one person today, only God knows.
Terry and I have possibly made some unwise choices with all our moves from house to house. Each one had a good reason at the time, but none of them were for us. We are always looking out after others and trying to do what is good for the family. We have lived in 10 different houses in the past 19 years. One of those was a five year stay, so you can only imagine about the others. The negative was the toll it took on our kids, but we stayed in two school districts with all moves. Friends never changed, nor did family. The positive is that Terry and I both realize how unimportant a brick house is as we are only caretakers here on earth and houses are possessions. My home is with him where ever God places us.
I heard a story about a family that was being relocated to a settlement following World War II. A bystander approached the family's youngest child who was sitting on her tattered suitcase and said,"You poor darling, moving about so much with no place to call home." The child looked up surprised and said, "You are mistaken, I do have a home, I just don't have a house to put it into." Houseless but not Homeless.
Home is in most of our minds a safe haven where you are secure, warm and cared for. You have a sense of belonging to something or someone or someplace. Home always seems to survive when the world around us is cratering. As we get older we keep memories close to heart drawing strength from those few 18 years "at home growing up." Doesn't matter that we are 50 years plus and have not been living there in over 30 years... the memories of feeling safe wrap us up into a comfort. We are safe in those memories.
In the Bible, Jacob called the temple or Holiest space "bayit" meaning a home. He defined its essence as a place where God and man would meet...the home. Home is sanctuary. All of this has survived and thrived through out the generations.
Give thanks today for your physical home that contains all your temporary treasures you have collected in this lifetime. At the same time recognized and give thanks for the "Home" that you have with the Father, for it is in His arms we are the most secure. It is in His Love we draw eternal warmth; it is in His Joy and His Peace that we find comfort. Use your home to comfort others that do not have one. Share the greatest HOME you have with those that are homeless, that do not have GOD in their lives. Some may living in multi-million dollar houses but if they do not have GOD, they have nothing.
May His grace surround you today and keep you safe.
Joy and Abundance reigns,
"Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever." Psalm 23:6