Contemporary Art Daily Painting Horse Art by Laurie Justus Pace
10 x 10
In process...not yet finished but close. Contact me if you are interested: Laurie
Contemporary Art Daily Painting Horse Art by Laurie Justus Pace
10 x 10
In process...not yet finished but close. Contact me if you are interested: Laurie

ONLY a quick blog as we are heading out to the Barber Shop and then Lowes and then home to work. Did not make lunch yesterday as Annie, the older Kerrie Blue, decided she was ready for an outing and outed out of the backyard. It took us two hours of searching to find her and then 20 min to catch her. We were both worn out by that time and in no mood to eat lunch as our breakfast was still bouncing around in our stomachs!
Closing out. That is my message this morning. Do you close people, places or things out of your life? Do you avoid things on purpose and not get involved? Sometimes we do this out of anxiety or fear that we do not fit in or we are not good enough. We justify it in our minds with other thoughts like "I just don't have time." or "I will try it next week." or "I don't fit in with that group of women." Examine it all. It that true? Or do you maybe not feel good enough about yourself.
Sometimes we keep the best things in life from happening because we close ourselves in and do not reach out and be apart of life. Be open this week. Try new things, because in this time of decline in our nation, we each need as much new joy as we can find to nurture us through the days.
Joy and Abundance,
"But as for that in the good soil, these are the ones who, when they hear the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patient endurance."--Luke 8:15