Contemporary Art Palette Knife Horse Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 30 x 2 inches of thickly applied 3D paint!
Contact me for pricing: Laurie
Contemporary Art Palette Knife Horse Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 30 x 2 inches of thickly applied 3D paint!
Contact me for pricing: Laurie

The storms continue to rage early this morning through north Texas and did so all through the previous night. I was up at six to let the dogs out and I gave Annie double on her meds as she has not slept all night long. She is curled in the corner of the studio hyperventilating right now. Paddy is asleep on his bed next to me. Lightening flashes continual outside the windows and the thunder rolls overlapping in loud roars, vibrating the lights overhead and the pictures on the walls.
Storms are usually something that we think of that come quickly, blow hard and make their way through the area leaving either cooler weather or hot muggy weather here in Texas. Depends if the storms roll out of the north or the south from the the gulf. It is all part of that seasonal thing for constant change in motion. These storms are sorta NOT going away very quickly. We had a round yesterday morning followed by eight hours of cool misty weather and then late afternoon the noise began as storms hit the DFW area pelting us with hail, and torrential downpours. This continued all night long and is still going this morning. Seems to contradictory to the norm when things move through and there is a change. In November it is customary to have cooler weather after the storm.
I have a feeling this is indicative of what is ahead in our lives right now. Never in my 56 years have I seen an economy this shaky. Terry and I have literally stopped eating out. We cut back on the fresh fruits we buy to a minimum. (remember we eat organically) He says he is bathing and razoring the dogs today... I say PET SMART please, but that would be $100. No, I don't think this economic storm is a fast moving one. This may take years to recover from . Our retirement is less than half of what it was so it is not time for us to retire; but then again, we believe we have what the Lord intends for us to have and nothing more or less. The huge pot of stewed chicken with left over veggies from last week made up well with fresh rolled dumplings simmering in it all last night. This will stretch three days for us.
We have to have blind trust in this economic storm. There is no forecasting radar available to tell us what is to come. Our trust is simply in the comfort of the Lord and knowing the only thing coming is the return of His son, Jesus, our Lord and Savior. During this time be observant of those around you as this situation is deeply affecting many. Some people may be too proud to share their fears, and may hold in the panic they feel rising. Be kind to each other as we are all affected by this storm. Keeping each other close in heart, mind and prayer, giving the touch of comfort and the shelter of the shared belief that God is here in the midst of us all. Just because we are believers and take peace in the knowledge that God is in control, does not mean the storm will pass with out injuries or aftermath....it simply means we grow stronger by this trial and we hold each other tightly through the winds, the hail and the torrential downpours for it is our common belief in the good that is yet to come when we pass from this earthly life and return to the Father. Fear and shaking can accomplish nothing. Find some joy around you and refocus on the postive.
Protection and Shelter from this storm is what I pray for each of you.
It is official that my daughter and son-in-law are expecting a baby girl the end of February. Names are still being debated but I think they have chosen one. To Terry and I she remains our TINK...short for Tinkerbell. GOD IS GOOD!
I have one more thing to share this morning. Back in 2002 I was moved spiritually to write a book... so I began writing and writing on and off for these six years. At a gallery opening this fall I met an author who has encouraged me to copyright the books (Yes I kept writing and there is a series) and pursue an agent. I am so new at this it is not even funny and have to depend on the Lord to light my way with knowledgable people. The book did not start out to be Christian Fiction, but in the past three years I began rewriting it compelled by my young students. I have a huge library of Christian Fiction and they would check out books on a regular basis. I kept all I could to encourage this frequenting HALF PRICE BOOKS in Dallas. I need a few readers and if you think you can read and give me honest feedback, I would like to know. I have a private blog set up and would be willing to post chapters of the book for reading and see where we go from there. I am currently finishing up the copyright information and will be submitting the first book in search of an agent. I have decided this is definitely worse than painting a painting and putting it out in public. When you write like this it digs deep into your soul and brings out so much. Please email me and tell me what Christian authors you have read and what books were your favorite. I must first only allow folks that have some knowledge of this area to participate. Thank you! Email me at ellepace@mac.com and put BOOK in the subject area. This is so I can find it in the SPAM area if necessary.
Joy and Abundance,
"I spoke once, but I have no answer— twice, but I will say no more." Then the LORD spoke to Job out of the storm: "Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me."Job 40:5-7