Ava and Eden
Contemporary Art Child Portrait Daily Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 30 Commissioned Oil Painting
Contact me for additional information: Laurie
Contemporary Art Child Portrait Daily Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
24 x 30 Commissioned Oil Painting
Contact me for additional information: Laurie

We took two photos and combined them to get the girls in the same painting to include their matching dresses from this special occasion.

This is a close up of each face. I want to work a tiny bit on shadows on the top cherub. Her mom wants her hair a bit less puffy so I will reduce the side by the flower. The bottom angel has such dark beauty it is hard to capture. I had the painting much looser but the buyer wants it tighter so I will be making some changes in some things today and hopefully will finish up.

I am hoping to be done with this painting today. It is a commission piece of two beautiful girls that live in Canada. I know I can't possibly do them full justice, but today I will be finishing up the last touch ups. Please if you see something I am missing, email me!
One of my daily messages I read spoke on Hurt today. So I think I will touch on this as it is so true. The only hurt that touches you is hurt from yourself. Diogenes was a Greek philosopher. One thing he said was " Humans have complicated every simple gift of the gods." Well, I of course think of it as "Humans have complicated ever simple gift of God" as we have. He is also the one that wrote "No man is hurt but by himself."
Think about it, we do it to ourselves. We control all reactions we have in our minds which then directly affects our bodies. No one outside of YOU can tell you what anything means as far as if you are hurt or not. If you feel hurt it is simply because you decided to feel that way. SOOO, today the moment you get your feelings hurt or you are affected by something in a negative manner, rethink your reaction. Back away and let it pass. You will add another day to your lifetime this way! LESS STRESS.
God would want you to do this. Anger does nothing to promote peace with in or harmony with in or going out to others. Take a breath and rethink that hurt.
Joy and Abundance,
"The spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life."--Job 33:4