Huge Horse Equine Palette Knife Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
Morning has Broken
30" x 36" (76.2cm x 91.5cm)
Huge Horse Equine Palette Knife Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
Morning has Broken
30" x 36" (76.2cm x 91.5cm)

I finished this painting yesterday morning. It was a three day piece as I worked on it in stages as some had to dry before I went to the next one. Let me know what you think of it as it is a different approach to me. I will be exploring it further today with some other pieces.
Last night we were watching ELI STONE and something was said about the gift of Grace that God gives us. I wish my brain could quote the phrase but I cannot. Something like, Grace is a gift that God gives to us. It is His Grace that strengthens us.
Every day we face life filled with a range of experiences. It is important for us to keep God center in our lives and giving thanks as we live our life and journey through the day's happenings. God provides each of us with a measure of grace to face the day. Think of it that way. When you wake this morning and you read this blog think of the GIFT of GRACE that is granted to you. Open your arms and heart to receive it. This grace will strengthen you to the hardships of the day, enable you to be patient when you need to be, strengthen you to walk away from temptations you should not step into and most importantly God's grace delivers each of us from our sins through the death of his son.
My hairdresser has a plaque over her area by the big mirror and it says, " The will of God will never lead you where the Grace of God cannot keep you."
I recorded a quick song this morning... before a morning cup of tea. Took about five takes to get it where my voice did not crack. Usually when and IF I record it is early afternoon.... just know it was recorded to share GRACE today! (OH it may take up to 30 min before the video works as I just posted it on YouTube.)
His amazing Grace surrounds you today... walk in peace.
"And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." 2 Corinthians 9:8
Thank you for sharing.