Molly and Jerry
Colorful Cow Art Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
9 x 12 inches of color
Contact me to purchase. Laurie
Colorful Cow Art Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
9 x 12 inches of color
Contact me to purchase. Laurie

Woke up early. We had storms last night and I guess it disrupted the sleep pattern a bit. The dogs are restless. I put them out and of course the grass is wet so they have to do their business right outside the door. When daylight hits I will be out there scrubbing the patio. Terry is sleeping. He seems really tired for some reason. I do not think he feels well. We are both pretty worn out from life the past two weeks.
My show in Marble Falls has crept up suddenly. I still have not made room reservations and will do that today. I need to get all the paintings ready to travel as well. We will not be gone long though, Terry is only going to take two days off from work for the trip.
Stacey felt life this weekend with her pregnancy. It is so much fun to watch her experience these changes in her body. The best is yet to come.
God tells us that too, the best is yet to come. Our lives all seem to be filled with challenges and changes. Just when you think things might settle down and you can catch your breath, something else happens. The Best is yet to come when we return to our Father's house. Even as a young adult or young married, I could not wait to visit home and take the kids to see their grandparents. There is something special about "coming home". During our everyday lives we struggle trying to stay on top of everything we are involved in. When those times come, stop and take a break and focus on God. Allow the tension to dissipate slowly as you breath in and out. I always felt that way walking through the door of home to be embraced by my parents. All tension and worries would wash away and I would feel protected.
As an aging adult right now I realize the importance to find that feeling in my focus with God. Know the Best is yet to come. Our Father holds us close to His heart.
"From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I." Psalm 61:2