Contemporary Art Palette Knife Oil Horse Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
Contact me to purchase: Laurie
Contemporary Art Palette Knife Oil Horse Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
Contact me to purchase: Laurie

Yesterday I wrote about climbing to God. Terry and I were watching the news and a commercial came on showing a rock/mountain climber dangling off a rock edge precipice. You watched him carefully place his feet in certain spots on the underside of the rock and glancing up and around making decisions on safe footing as he went. He stood up at the top and raised his arms in celebration of I HAVE ARRIVED! It was a commercial to get Laser surgeries for your eyes.
First we aspire to climb to higher places and accomplish more. What do we do when we get this far? Once you taste conquering and being at the top of something, or succeeding in that GREAT GOAL, where do you go next? My dad would probably say, "On to your next mountain to climb." If you think about it, to climb that next mountain I have to get down from the first one unless I am continuing upward on that one. Life is certainly a journey where we learn to set goals. Life is certainly a place where we learn from mistakes. Life is certainly filled with both positive and negative experiences. The key seems to be learning from each of those and trying not to repeat some of those learning exercises. Testing a parent's limit is something children do all the time. Do we do that with God?
So think about that today. You have to have some "down" in life in order to go up. I would encourage you to keep God close at all times so you don't fall. Every new goal takes steps up and down in order to reach it. Like the rock climber you have to step carefully and to get to the top you might have to descend and take another route. God Speed in your day.
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9