Mixed Medium Angel Art Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 24 inches
Contact to purchase and mention the title: Laurie
Mixed Medium Angel Art Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 24 inches
Contact to purchase and mention the title: Laurie

This was the experimental first piece on Psalms, but it is not where I want to be, but once you lay the layers on, they truly do not come off, so this piece will have to find a good home to enjoy it and love it. For me it has too much control. My control.
I only have one more painting to deliver to the Dutch Art Gallery. She asked me to do a Poppy and I did, but it is still wet. Easy to pop in a frame though as it is 11 x 14. Stacey stopped by yesterday after her latest Doctors appt and we dropped by the gallery for her to see the work hanging. Makes a difference for sure to see it on their walls rather my walls. Most of this work will travel to The Red Tree in Atascadero California and to my show in Marble Falls at Patina.
Are any of you writers out there? Are you TV/Movie watchers? Having a good ending is essential for me. I don't have to see the AFTER part but know in my heart that good triumphs for everyone is a must. I know as I grow older the joy is going home to the Lord, and that is the beginning not the ending; it does not change one of the most human habits we all have. We all want to write our own endings to things. In our human way of trying to control, we want to control the "Ending" for everything in our lives...for each situation and for our life itself. Heck, who wouldn't choose a happily ever after for their life? Some of us think through different scenarios to situations in our life. We never can count on the sudden changes that hit us from the side or the back...things we never saw. Some of the changes are things that are dreams come true things and some changes are things that even the bravest of us fear. Our lives are suddenly altered.
We cannot write our own"Happily Ever After". What we can do is accept and acknowledge that God has a journey preplanned for us and our focus should be to make the best of THIS day today. Yes, we make decisions that affect our individual journeys, and I am sure God has some flexibility in His plans that allows our human touch to mess up our own lives, but in the end the ultimate control is His.
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” Philippians 4:4