Guitar Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace and Morgan Haskell Pace
24 x 18 x 2 Oil on Deep Canvas, Needs no frame.
Contact me to purchase and mention the title: Laurie
Guitar Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace and Morgan Haskell Pace
24 x 18 x 2 Oil on Deep Canvas, Needs no frame.
Contact me to purchase and mention the title: Laurie

Morgan was over last week and as always he picks up a guitar and hits it hard. He broke another string. He will be banned from my guitars at this rate. It is a pain to go buy strings. AND what I do not get is his generation basically is not responsible. IF I broke something of my mom's I would be falling all over myself to fix it. He will do I will be changing my attitude with him now. At 27 he should be responsible...right?
This painting we did together. He needed to paint and I sketched it out and his remark was, I don't want to paint guitars, and I said, OK, I will. I started pulling the layers and he got really excited and jumped in to work with me. This piece ROCKS. IT has paint a half inch thick in places. The little knobs to adjust sound are dimensional as they thick mound off the canvas. Same with the bridge and the strings.
I ran up to the Dutch Art Gallery to see how things I was impressed. I will take a few more piece up there today for them. How I wish you all could come see everything...humm, I could take my camera IF I remember.
As I woke this morning I realized it was 9-11 on my alarm clock. I began my day in prayer and remembrance. Who could ever forget what they were doing that day. I was at work and heard the first news on the radio and we turn on the TV. At that time it was a small plane had hit the tower. We had no clue what was ahead of us as we turned our eyes to the screen and actually watched live as the second plane struck. Our lives change in an instant. It is one of those things we have no control over. The only thing that gets my husband and I through each day and especially the stressful times is our faith that God is in control as everything around us craters into pieces. He has a plan.
We have friends in Houston already beginning to pack up and head further inland. The storm has changed it's path a bit and we are still hoping we see some rain. The eye will pass over Mt Vernon area where Paul and Vicki Fletcher are. Vicki was going to hand wash all her windows this week but is holding off until after the storm. Sometimes waiting on the Lord is the key to developing patience and flexibility.
I am off to paint and finish up some things for the show and then will be working on some new pieces with Psalms.
"But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, so that those who love your name may exult in you."--Psalm 5:11