Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 24 inches
Contact me for pricing: Laurie
SOLD ~ Thank you!!
Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 24 inches
Contact me for pricing: Laurie
SOLD ~ Thank you!!

It's a sinus headache morning for sure. WORK TIME! Terry will be working two shifts today, commonly known as a double. He traded out to get last Saturday off for the Family Reunion. I have Morgan here on the couch still pretty banged up. Do not know for how long. Had hoped by tomorrow we would launch him back home after the doctor re bandages all the wounds. Sasha, his puppy is really cute, but a total pain as she is not house broken. I have been keeping her in the garden room because if my dogs see her they want to eat her. She already ripped up the screen door to the garden room. We have a life time warranty on this, so I will call them.
I finished up a large music piece of a pianist and a violinist, well, finished part of it. Today are more varnish layers. I will be working on a few others along the way. Will be doing sketches for someone that asked me if I knew what a 10 cow woman was. Have you heard that one before?
It is worth the google to find the story. Here it is on someone else's blog. CLICK HERE. And then come back! It is definitely a principal we should all apply in our lives with dealing with those we love. It is worth the read.
Please visit my friends in Mt Vernon: He is running for Sheriff. Would appreciate you keeping him and his wife in prayer as I understand this could turn into dirty policitcs and Paul and Vicki will not participate in such things. Both are retired from the Dallas Police Department and have served proudly with dedication the citizens of Dallas. Paul almost gave up his life on the job many years ago when he was stabbed on the streets of Downtown Dallas. He is a pretty tough guy and God had more for him to do. He is starting a blog today too, I can't wait to keep up with them through the new blog!
“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” Hebrews 10:35-36