Saturday is here already. I am not sure where the time flies, but it does. I have been up painting. I actually finished this one yesterday so I can share it with you today. It is bound for The Red Tree Gallery unless I sell it before it dries to ship.
My Aunt in St Louis is doing a bit better. I thank you all for prayers and I praise the Lord for his swift healing power. Little India is also doing quite a bit better as well. If I was charting this I would be noting the improvements with the prayer.
Is your life as complicated as mine is? Seems like all of us have little theaters going on in different areas. I know I have my business theater, my marriage theater, my children theater, my pets theater, my parents theater etc etc etc. From outside looking in, my life is very chaotic. I have had to learn to simplify and refocus on what is essential. With every event I catch myself from reacting and I respond in a calmer manner. I have learned before starting any task or adding to my already chaotic life, I center myself with God. Breathing slowly as my mother taught me, I bring a quiet essence to my being. This quiet gives me the ability to take on and complete the task before me.
Try it today in your life. Before doing anything, offer up a prayer and meditate if only for a full minute. Take that calming sense into the task at hand and enjoy the journey.
"The Law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the decrees of the Lord are sure, making wise the simple." Psalm 19:7