Stallion Spirit Horse
Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 24 inches oil on Canvas
Contact: Laurie

Sorry that I am a little late posting for Mom today. I have not been feeling very well and am sleeping as much as possible. I spoke to Mom this morning in between naps and she said that they are having a blast. Yesterday was filled with family fun at the McGreggor (possibly misspelled) Picnic. Mom learned how to roast corn with the husks on and nothing else. While waiting in line to receive the roasted corn (along with 500 other people) Mom finally made her way up to the front of the line and all that was left was corn where the husk was completely black. Much to her disappointment and not wanting to hurt anyones feelings Mom took the corn and started to peel back the husk and found some of the kernels were a brown color and looked toasted. Being adventurous while on vacation Mom took a bite of the toasted kernels and found that they tasted better than the roasted ones. So looks can be deceiving and never judge a book by its cover. You might miss out on something.
Blessings - Stacey
Psalms 24:1 The earth is the LORD's, and all its fullness