Power of Red
Horse Art Abstract Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 27 inches
Available at Patina of Marble Falls
Contact: John or Marnie
Horse Art Abstract Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 27 inches
Available at Patina of Marble Falls
Contact: John or Marnie

Waking up with a massive sinus headache is not my favorite. Unfortunately for many of us living in the DFW area this is common for this time of the year. The ozone levels are level RED which is really really bad. Terry and I were out in it yesterday. We went to Cavanaugh's Flight Museum in Addison. (north Dallas) Sun and wind proved to leave me in bad shape so today will be a dull ache day. Before the Museum we had lunch at Margiano's where Morgan works. The Halibut was fabulous and something I wish they would carry on the main menu. WOW!
I have been working on small pieces for the Dutch Art Gallery Show. Several small 8 x 10's and a 9 x 12. Today I will do a larger piece and they we may print some giclees. I had hopes of a few days off, but with all the shows I do not think this is going to happen. Terry mentioned helping me with house work so I may take him up on that one today.
Yesterday we got pay back! It is was so nice. I am one of those drivers that is friendly in nature. I let people turn out when needed, or let them over if they use a blinker and always take my turn correctly. We missed our turn lane for the restaurant yesterday and Terry had to turn to the right into a gas station and come out on the opposite diagonal to get on the correct street. The problem we faced was the first lane would only put us back right again and we wanted to go straight. This is an intersection by a mall so you know at lunch time traffic is thick. The light was red and cars were piled thickly in long rows except for the TURN RIGHT lane. I heard a light toot of a horn and Terry and I both looked to our left and a work truck full of workers was waving us in, in front of them in the lane we desperately needed. It felt so good to have someone pass on the kindness to us. This is rare in Dallas when driving in traffic to have anyone be nice. We waved and I said a prayer blessing their day for their kindness.
God wants us to pass this goodness on in our day every day. Pass on the caring and the the love. By being so considerate the driver that gave us a break made us feel so good and so relieved. It was a small thing in the scheme of world events, but to us at that moment it demonstrated goodness and kindness. So today see the Christ Presence in others and treat those around you with consideration. Share the best you have of comfort, forgiveness and joy. Whether others grasp the value of your gift now or in the future, their lives have been touched by your loving way and in the sense you are passing on to others the Love of God.
"They are to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share, thus storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of the life that really is life."--1 Timothy 6:18-19