Power of Blue
Horse Art Abstract Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 27 inches
Available at Patina of Marble Falls
Contact: John or Marnie
Horse Art Abstract Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 27 inches
Available at Patina of Marble Falls
Contact: John or Marnie

We are home, and it is early. I am going to blog and the work on pieces for my show here in Dallas at the DUTCH ART GALLERY. I am hoping all of you that live in the Dallas/Ft Worth area will come and see me at the show. It is Sept 12th. More info to follow.
Terry and I have been in pretty deep prayer over two major things in our life. We are either not quiet enough and listening, or we are overlooking something God has left for us to discover. Terry has one day left to decide if he is going to take a retirement offer of early retirement from American Airlines or gamble on continuing to work for the company. Of course in his heart he wants to keep working. We do not have enough set back to actually retire right now. Please continue to stand with us on prayer right now.
One day we will look back at this time and will know how things played out. Everything we do in life is connected to others and unfortunately not all the "others" are believers. When you are speaking in the same breath of American Airlines, there is nothing honorable about this company with their employee relationships with mechanics, pilots, flight attendants or ramp personal. ONLY the corporate folks receive all the benefits and extra pay. I know I have written before and shared we make the same amt we did in 1992 and we have less benefits. Imagine the increase of both gas and groceries and know how much we trust in Him for my art work to make up the difference needed in our home budgets. We are still paying college loans for our kids as well. So with this huge decision before us and his understandable fear of finding another job at age 57...leaves us a bit restless. This is the time we have to LET GO AND LET GOD.
With Him we can make the perfect choice for this situation and the other one in our life as well. You also know we are foster adopt with the state of Texas Child Protective Services and Covenant Kids of Texas. We have a sibling group we are praying intensely about right now so continue to support us as we journey forth with this as well.
Breathing deeply the time has come to release personal concerns. We have gained knowledge from our CPA, other mechanics, and several wise relatives. This morning Terry and I will write both problems down on paper, take hands together and pray and then tear the paper into little pieces to release it. As we let go of it this morning, I am rooted in my faith that God will inspire us in the perfect decision for our situation.
"In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I am not afraid." Psalm 56:4