Ponies on the Hill Top
Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
Contact: Laurie

Good Morning everyone - Scratch what I said yesterday - Mom called and I believe that they are not coming home until Saturday now. I will again use the Daily Word to make the blog complete today. Blessings - Stacey
I am confident and resilient, for I am always in the presence of God.
I take in words of inspiration as if they were food for my soul, for indeed they are. Whether a favorite prayer, a Bible quotation, or a stirring poem, messages of inspiration strengthen my faith and renew my energy.
Places I go and conditions I meet do not have to be familiar. My confidence grows as I move into new territory, for I know that I am always in the presence of God and God's presence is within me. I may be taking a trip, praying for new insight, or leading others to new findings. I am secure in the knowledge and faith that I am resilient and successful in my pursuits and dreams. All is well as I seek, learn, and accomplish. I am safe and inspired in the presence of God.
I take in words of inspiration as if they were food for my soul, for indeed they are. Whether a favorite prayer, a Bible quotation, or a stirring poem, messages of inspiration strengthen my faith and renew my energy.
Places I go and conditions I meet do not have to be familiar. My confidence grows as I move into new territory, for I know that I am always in the presence of God and God's presence is within me. I may be taking a trip, praying for new insight, or leading others to new findings. I am secure in the knowledge and faith that I am resilient and successful in my pursuits and dreams. All is well as I seek, learn, and accomplish. I am safe and inspired in the presence of God.
"He said, 'Do not fear, greatly beloved, you are safe. Be strong and courageous!' When he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said, 'Let my lord speak, for you have strengthened me.' "--Daniel 10:19