Morning Tea Pot
Still Life Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
8 x 10 inch on Linen Panel
Inquiries: Laurie
Still Life Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
8 x 10 inch on Linen Panel
Inquiries: Laurie

It is time for some new mental skills in life. Are you ready for this one? I am not, but I am praying that God leads these fingers across the keyboard in front of me. I just got notice that my blog has been 'hit' or read over 30,000 times. Can I say WOW? Praise to God!
I am inserting this note after finishing the blog below. After I complete my blog daily I usually go to either or to for my bible verse. At Biblegateway I look up passages and at Daily Word I stop to read their message for the day, something I have been doing for over 40 years. I am always surprised when I do how often what I write ties so closely into their lesson for the day. I never go there first, I always write first. I went back into this blog and inserted some of the phrases from today's thought infused with in my thoughts.
As a baby you learned thousands of things. One of the more basic tasks was learning to walk. If it were not inside of the human mind to push on, every child would give up then they fell the first time they attempted to walk. Practice is a large part of that success. It was with everything you learned as a new born in this life.
The frame of mind and where you stand today often identifies your personality. When there is something challenging, do you view it as 'hard work' or as 'something new to learn'. What I want to do is address your way of thinking for everything. I want to direct you to positive thinking. Our subconscious mind always takes things on as our body learns by trial. Every time we come back to do it, it becomes easier. (except flying for me... it is never easy.) As things become easier, we get a little better at it. Do the best you can at that moment. You have to believe in yourself and remind yourself you are worthy and your are capable. STOP criticizing yourself. God made you after all, and he made you in His image. I wouldn't criticize the Lord, would you?
It amazes me still how my children and grandchildren were born with a 'mouse' in hand. They are all gadget oriented from the moment they are delivered. For my generation and older, we struggle be it at the computer or at all the dad gum remote controls my husband has around the TV. What ever happened to KEEP IT SIMPLE SWEETIE? (the KISS method). ( Last night mom and I decided to watch a movie. If you read my blog, you know I am not a TV person. It took 30 min to get the movie going with out closed captions on the bottom of the screen. Somewhere in the process of me pressing buttons I had turned them on. I didn't give up though, I called hubby, son and finally sister-in-law, and she gave the magic word Closed Captions. I saw something titled CC on the remote and that was it. The men in my life had me going into the Language section on the DVD I was watching. My sister-in-law had a fresh slant on the situation and had me pick up the TV remote and go from a different approach. We watched MERMAIDS with Cher in it. At ten last night we were dancing around the house giving joy to be alive to the great music and energy of the film.)
I propose you begin new habits in your life. A complete shake down and readjustment and realignment.
1. When you wake in the morning, EVEN if you are late, spend time being thankful for everything you can think of. God is always listening. ( even if you are late, you can carve out at least a full minute here) Make this a habit. Practice it daily.
Daily Word says today, "Likewise, there is no limit to the good awaiting me as a child of God. The more I look for the good of God in my life, the more I see. I accept my blessings with a profound gratefulness of heart."
2. Next give yourself at least 15 minutes to stretch and breathe. This will open up all the pathways in your body and your brain will work better.
3. During your shower, meditate briefly, allowing yourself to drift to the sensation of the warm water on your skin and the fresh smell of your soaps.
4. Reaffirm in front of a mirror that you are worthy and wonderful and ready to step out into the world today seeking the highest good and sharing the gifts the Lord has given you. Know that He will reveal to you what you need to know for the day. Have confidence in Him providing it.
Daily Word also says," I am a child of God and heir to the infinite good of God. Health, wisdom, resources, and so much more are blessings that fill my life just as completely and surely as the multitude of stars that fill the heavens."
4. Have a bible open at the table all the time ready for your eyes. If you eat with family, read together; one verse, two verses, one chapter... it does not matter, just feast on the word with your meals. Always give thanks for the food, remembering all the hands that it took to get it to your table. (Keep a bible at your bed too! Good reading before you fall asleep!)
5. Remember during the day to exercise. Sneak in sitting stretches at your desk, or if you do not work, remember to carve out sometime during the day to exercise. Aim for 15 min and do it twice a day.
6. Begin to think about the food you eat. Try to eat less fat every day. Try to eat a little less sugar every day.
7. During your day reaffirm again the gifts you have and everything you are thankful for.
Daily Word "Taking responsibility for my own life is empowering. I know I can never be defeated by circumstances, nor will I ever allow myself to be manipulated. In partnership with God, I take divine ideas and apply them in my everyday life. "
8. Beware of limitations. Do not limit yourself and say those words, "geez, I can't do it." You need to think positively and believe that you have all power through the Lord to take on what is before you. Divine Order is always in place, now strengthen your faith and believe it.
Daily Work "As a thinker, speaker, and doer of the highest and best intentions, I am a dynamic, enthusiastic participant in life. Divine ideas flow to me and through my plans and actions. Each day I reflect on my contributions toward my own well-being and the well-being of the people who are sharing my life."
Love and like who you are and what you do. Learn to laugh at yourself. This lifetime is temporary. Make the best of it, share what you can and give to others. Good thoughts bring peaceful life. Positive approaches bring success. Transform your life and start today.
"He brought him outside and said, 'Look toward heaven and count the stars, if you are able to count them.' "--Genesis 15:5
Nice painting too. Reminds me of some of Cezanne's work.
Continued success.