Midnight Blues
Horse Acrylic Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
Acrylic Overlays 24 x 30 x 2 inches
For information, please email me and include the title of the painting: Laurie
Horse Acrylic Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
Acrylic Overlays 24 x 30 x 2 inches
For information, please email me and include the title of the painting: Laurie

Not sure about much this morning. We travel on employee passes and the flights continue to book beyond us getting on. We were suppose to fly to Rochester tonight, but that flight filled with other non-revs. We are traveling with my mom so we have the disadvantage of her on a family pass that falls behind all employee passes. Makes us last on the plane. SOOO, it will either be Buffalo today or Toronto today or tomorrow.
While I am gone, I have learned that there is not internet service where we are going. I am going to provide my daughter with a photo to use and a small SMALL thought. I am hoping she expands on it a bit. She is a pretty good writer. I just didn't think I had it in me to do 7-10 blogs in one sitting... so I may just give her a painting and a bible verse and she can throw in updates on the trip after she talks to me on the phone. Her brother is staying here but he would never remember to blog!
This is our Stacey Beth:
Well, laughingly...I found a picture of me Pregnant with Stacey holding her older brother Justin. I am about 7 months pregnant here. She is currently pregnant with TINK.... and so I have posted the pregnant me and then the adult Stacey!!!

So I entrust you into her hands either tomorrow morning or Saturday morning.
I noted this time as Terry is working his marathon hours, that I was left with ALL trip preparation, cleaning, packing, yard etc and I am pretty worn out. Wouldn't it be nice just to go to work and then just get on the plane for vacation? NO worry as to rental cars, hotels, the yard people, washing clothes, packing, dumping everything in those tiny plastic bottles to get on the airplane....squeezing 10 days of clothes for two people in one small carry on luggage (We have to do it this way or our luggage might go somewhere we do not go.) Cleaning house and watering outside and inside. On top of boxing paintings and shipping and painting... I am beyond tired. Next time I want to just walk on the plane.
Somehow that just isn't in God's plan. You remember he made us in his image, but He did make Man first, woman second. So, it reasons out that if my husband is made in His image, God is probably one of those walk on the plane guys, leaving the angels to prepare everything. I know I appreciate those angels. They have surrounded my family and protected my family many times. I will remember them in my thanks this morning.
Speaking even further about "walking on the plane"....Yesterday was interesting. Mom had someone come by to visit from the Neptune Society. This is a group, business, whatever it is for dealing with you when you die.
At this point, You have actually done that immediate "walk on the plane thing", only it is the immediate walk through heaven's gates...and left everything behind for the family to deal with...your body, your funeral, your estate etc. The Nepture Society will retrieve your empty body, get all the death certificates, have the obituary ready, cremate you, put your ashes in an urn and turn you back over to your family in a condensed condition. They do have available the choice of having your ashes scattered in the Pacific, the Atlantic or in the Gulf of Mexico. OH yeah, there is a place off the coast of Florida that is a special place under the water where you can have a plaque with your name on it. The cost is pretty minimal. All of that is only $1500.
(Have you priced burial plots and services etc lately? Try $20,000 and up.)
It certainly gives food for thought. When Terry's mom and dad bought their cemetery plots and did the pre-planning stuff, there was still a load of things that had to still be done when his mom died. Too much to think about. This one stop and shop thing seems quite easy; I can see why my mom wanted to find out more. When we each get to "walk on that last plane ride to heaven" without worrying about all the fuss around us, the only preparation we need is the love and acceptance of Jesus Christ in our lives. You can do that today.... don't wait for tomorrow.
"To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's creation. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.” Revelation 3:14,20