This painting was done following an early morning walk when the sun was just coming up. It is that moment that the gorgeous pinks are in the sky....Simplicity and color, thick paint and lots of JOY!!!
Is there conflict in your life? Is it inner conflict or conflict with others? If you reduce it down even conflict with others starts with inner conflict. Each of us is battling something in side right now. It could be an unwanted habit, mine is eating too much sugar; an undesirable behavior or an old pattern in our lives?
I know in my life there have been times that I felt detached and alone from my childhood family. The inner conflict of wanting to be apart of what you once knew as a family and the reality of them not wanting you to be apart is very painful. Blame in my mind flew both directions. It was a journey I had to take because it really boiled down to self acceptance for me. God made me as I am and my life is what I make of it. I had to learn to care about myself and then rejoice in the family that God had built around me, my loving husband, my children and my grandchildren. Then I learned to use the gifts the Lord provided, my painting and my teaching.
There are things we yearn for in life that we feel like we need. This is usually a WANT not a need. God knows what we need. He provides everything. He definitely does not make it easy, but if he did we would never grow stronger in our faith or our mind and body. So when you think about those inner conflicts you have today, and mine is trying own the responsibility that I still am not taking care of myself... I can only begin to learn a new "habit" and begin to change my life. No one else can do it for me. I can do it, and I do it with the strength of God behind me.
God will put things into perspective and patiently wait on us to see it. Sometimes he has to get our attention and then he usually does it big. We are usually busy running around still focusing on the wrong things. Stop and wait upon the Lord. Change one small thing in your life today. ONE small thing. Do it daily for the next week. Make is a new habit. It could be something simple like the moment you open your eyes, give thanks for everything you can possibly think of....or before you eat, start blessing your food. Trust, it will begin to show major changes in your life and an inner peace that resolves the conflicts.
"But what does it say? 'The word is near you, on your lips and in your heart' (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim)."--Romans 10:8