Painting this morning for sure. Calls from The Red Tree Gallery for additional pieces and that will definitely keep me busy!
Yesterday Mom finally went with me to Three Fountains to swim. Brother Kirk went with us. With in moments I knew I could live there and love it. The pool is warm bath temperature, which is really good for me! We stayed in a bit long and got pruney, but she moved around quite a bit; so much so was rather weak getting out. We have a way to go to build up strength.
I hope God was not listening to that last remark...reminds me of someone once saying to me 'do not pray for patience'.... I am beginning to get the picture... don't pray for strength or you can be sure some trials are on the way to answer your prayers!
How do you build strength in your life? Do you think God will just touch your heart and you will have the strength? A good parent wants the child to learn from experience. That is the key teaching method in our lives. If we are handed everything we miss out on life lessons and become an intolerable spoiled child. There are consequences for everything we do. There are lessons for us to learn every day. If you ever stopped and listed situations and tracked how they unfolded you would easily see how you are strengthened. Track your prayer requests and you will see how much God truly does in your life.
Have a good work out today!
“You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word.” Psalm 119:114