Symbolism abounds in this series with linking circles woven through out the composition.
Hidden notations to me as I create reminding me from whence the spirit comes....From the Lord!
This afternoon we will celebrate birthdays. My mother (who was in the hospital on her birthday); my hubby, Terry, who drove me to Wyoming over his birthday; Larry, my son in law; and Jan my eldest son's love of his life. Missing from our celebration I will be offering up birthday love and prayers for family friend Lanie, and for my dearest painting "sister" Conni Togel. If you have never seen her art, visit www.charisma-art.com . She is FABULOUS!!!
Terry and I went to pick up brisket and chicken at Rick's barbecue www.rickssmokehousebbq.com in Garland. He has eaten there four times this week. He needs a frequent diner's card for sure. Add to the mixture, cole slaw, baked beans, Sister in law Leslie's fabulous pasta salad, breads, and pickles...and throw in a Chocolate cheese cake from ST Cafe.... and if I get my body in the kitchen one of my infamous SANDY's POUND CAKES.... we will eat right nice today!
This is a day to celebrate not only the day of the Lord and giving thanks to Him for all, but to add to the thanks the love for these special family and friends.
My thoughts today seem to roll back to my fabulous sleep pillow. Maybe it has catnip or something in it for humans. We went to bed at 10 last night, woke to a noise at three thirty. I debated getting up then to paint but laid there enjoying the feel of no shoulder or neck pain and knowing our new bed arrives next week.... and letting go of any other thought and I was out like a light to wake this morning at seven thirty. Maybe all this sleep will cause weight loss...you think?
So often in life we do not realize that God is with us in our journey blazing the trail for us. We seem to get distracted by the red bird in the woods next to us, and we wander off the path while He is working diligently to clear the way. Taking off the path to our right side we begin to wander through the trees catching glimpses of the bird we are following and suddenly realize it is dark around us and we can't hear the bird's song anymore. We might sit on a log and contemplate our next move. We can still hear God working but cannot see the light surrounding the path anymore. This is when we must move in blind faith toward the sounds, not seeing what is before us, but concentrating on what he has for us ahead, trusting and believing. We will trip and stumble on the way, but with the Spirit with in, we find the ability to continue back to the path. Eventually we are back in the light and we suddenly see the clear path we are to take to move forward.
In our lives we all are so infused with work, responsibilities and stress... that we do not take time to meditate and listen for the Lord. Sit down on the nearest log today, close your eyes and listen. He is busy at work preparing the way for you! Follow the spirit back to the light and you will see the way.
“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7
Have a great day.