We took mom on a road trip yesterday at her request. We drove up to Bonham TX to look at the VA facility and the town. She kept saying it reminded her of Sherman TX. It is a pretty nice town and is closer to the Red River and Oklahoma. We toured the state Vet Nursing home. It was gorgeous... only 7 years old...filled with light and love and people working there that ENJOYED THEIR JOBS! Oh my gosh, what a difference. I could tell mom liked it because the walls were all painted green in the front area. In the Alzheimers unit they are soft blues. Colors are used to soothe and blue is a quieting color. What was neat, from the moment we hit the door, they knew who mom was and that dad was on their list and they were gathering his medical information. Of course Terry and l loved the fact of so many veterans in one place... he could have spent his days there talking and listening to these guys.
We drove around through the town and then north to Lake Bonham. If I ever moved there we would have to live on the lake...OF COURSE. Then we drove back through town and stopped at a fairly new restaurant and had a late lunch. It was three by this time. Food was good and people even nicer. We came home with a lot of new knowledge to consider.
I wrote in an early blog about roadsigns and detours. God is always good about providing those detours. You never know where the detour is going to take you, but the signs keep pointing the way. I remain clueless every morning as I wake not knowing what to do with so many decisions. I have to stop and let those go to God. He will provide answers when it is time for me to have them. Meanwhile today I GET TO PAINT!!!!
Terry returned to work today to his new schedule. He will work 40 hours in three days and be off six days... come back and work another 40 hours. Then two days off and the same schedule repeats. It will help with gas, but I am worried about his sleep...there will not be much on that schedule.
“Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14