Horse Abstract Art Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 24 x 2 inches
Acrylic and Impasto on Canvas
Contact me for information, include the name of the painting: Laurie
Horse Abstract Art Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
18 x 24 x 2 inches
Acrylic and Impasto on Canvas
Contact me for information, include the name of the painting: Laurie

Good morning... geez it is almost eight and I am just blogging. Mom is here at our house newly released from the hospital. It changes our schedule up a bit and we stay up later. Won't do that once Terry is back off vacation. So I slept in this morning, something my body is NOT accustomed to.
We have had many things we are praying about in our lives. That sort of sent me off on the thought of the difference between the mind, the soul and the spirit. It started with the daily message I got from Donald Welsch commenting that "Life is about your soul, not about your body and not about your mind." He further commented that people work hard to keep their body happy and they enjoy stimulating their mind...the soul is the last thing they leave time for.
Well, that started these wheels turning in my head. I truly don't sit around dissecting the differences in my head for fun, but decided to think this morning and hopefully inspire you to thought as well. Hebrew language uses the word nephesh for the word Soul. It translates LIFE and it is used for man and animal. The Greek goes a step further for clarity, psyche is the word for Soul and pneuma is the word for Spirit. Hebrews 4:12 "For the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit." Man is not a spirit, but man has a spirit. Soul is the pneuma or make up of man. Each of us is different. Your soul is how you relate to tohers and how you understand yourself. The Spirit is how you relate to God.
I know I was crushed when Terry informed me years ago that our dogs do not have a spirit; I understand now he meant they do not seek God. Only man has that connection. Our dogs relate to us through their little sweet souls.
Edgar Cayce views the spirit as the life force, "Spirit is the spark, or portion of the Divine that is in every entity." He further states that spirit is not just a force, it is a consciousness with individualness. Our spirit self is and always will be "before the throne of God". This is our conduit as Terry says...our connection with Father God.
On the subject of soul, Cayce sees the soul as the developing portion of our whole nature, always changing as we grow and learn. We have freewill to explore and discover things. Through our soul we have the free will to decide if we will be connected to the Lord through our spirit. The mind of the soul is the subconscious. It can act independently or in harmony.
Cayce made the comment that "Sleep is a shadow of death". It is in sleep the active mind becomes the soul's mind, the subconscious. When we die, Cayce states "the soul passes from the physical body, the subconscious mind, which never forgets and is then as the sensuous mind of the soul body. This brings in the thoughts of the dream state and where our subconscious is as we dream. I know when I awake slowly from a dream and transfer from the sleeping state to the "I have to go the bathroom" state, I am in a fog as I proceed. When I return to bed if I am not too awake, I slip right back into that subconscious state and often return to my dream. On these new super pillows it is so easy to do that. It keeps the squirrels from entering the brain and keeping you awake where you never sink back into that state of letting go of the active mind to be wrapped in the subconscious mind of relaxation and no control and delightful sleep.
This subject is very deep....but to have a level consciousness of it and truly recognize the differences between mind, spirit and soul, can actually help you in meditation. Once you experience the ability to let the squirrels out, you can find the peace that passes all understanding while you meditate. It was so evident on the trip on the way home... the first day I was totally awake and wired...driving (yes I said I was driving, for those of you who know me and Know I DO NOT LIKE TO DRIVE.) Terry was sleeping. But the second day as we had arrived across the border into Texas...I would sit in the passenger seat and totally nod off for 30 seconds to a minute and literally drift into a subconscious level. At that precious moment, I was warm, safe and totally without stress. This is what I will be applying in my mediation time every day, attempting to weave this into it for a deeper peace. Reaching the subconscious state where my soul can connect freely to Father God with out interruption from my ever restless spirit.
I am off to paint today. I am finishing some small piece for my NY show the first of August. Have to get them to the framers!
"May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Thessalonian 5:23