Abstract Landscape by Laurie Justus Pace
Abstract Landscape by Laurie Justus Pace

Ice cream Party last night, here on the block...wow what fun!!! I have tons of pictures and will try and make a slide show this week, but no time this morning.
ALSO Birthday Party celebrations yesterday...REMEMBER?? I am sugared out.
FUN<> FAMILY.... and the blessings of the Lord! I will do a slide show of that one!
Watch below. I put it together fast and noted several typos, but it takes too long to change them, so just enjoy the slide show!
Today is boxing and shipping day, almost back to a normal work week, but not there as I have not been painting. THAT is not good. I will be painting by tomorrow. The piece I posted is several years old and is owned by a collector in Virginia. She has at least 20 of my paintings.
Divine order is the thought for today. Decisions in our lives seem to way lay us for days or weeks at at time. Sometimes it is fear of the unknown that keep us in that frozen position. It is said to conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom. If you allow divine order to be present in your mind and your life, fear cannot creep in. Someone also said, FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real....that usually means you are thinking too much. GOD is constant and he never abandons us at any time in our lives. We abandon him. Even when the situation seems too complex, and you question how there could ever be a positive outcome, you must know a resolution is possible because God's spirit weaves through our lives in every person and every situation.
If there are decisions to be made in your life that you cannot seem to grasp direction on and fear is taking over...it is time to release your thoughts. CHANGE your concentration in life over to something else or busy yourself with someone else. My wise grandmother always told me happiness could not be found, it would find you and the busier you were in doing for others the happier you would be. She was right. So as you face the day or week coming on, do not overflow your mind with so many things that have to be dealt with. Take each thing one at a time. Give it a limited amount of thought and if a decision is not there, move on to something else...or should I say someone else. Funnel your energy into productive things and pretty soon you will be able to come back to face a decision and you will know what to do.
"I say this for your own benefit, not to put any restraint upon you, but to promote good order and unhindered devotion to the Lord."--1 Corinthians 7:35