Cleaning out the studio yesterday was quite a chore. I will box some shipments today and then clean the floors...they are brick. The dogs sort of live in here with me too, it is a huge area about 24 x 24 and they do get to get out into the house, but when I am in here, they are too, so it gets dirty.
My grandmother always told me Cleanliness is next to Godliness. I do feel better when it is clean in here... always excited about painting in a clean area so I can mess it up again. Cleanliness is a comfort in a way to me and it gives me hope...it lifts my spirits. When things pile up and get cluttered, so does my mind.
Life seems to clutter up all of our minds with so much activity and business. It is too early and dark to go exploring but there is a book I uncovered that mom was reading while she was here entitled Preparing for Tomorrow, or something like that. Of course it was written back in the late fifties or sixties I am thinking... but dad gum, we were looking at it yesterday when we were having breakfast in the garden room and she looked so sad when we talked about what was in it. She had read it all last week and was telling me it truly was a wonderful guide to life and looking at the big picture. Slowing down to prepare for different parts of your life. Learning to live with less before you hit retirement. Learning to gear down your entire life as you hit your middle age...gearing down from so much work work work. Mom and Dad are almost 80. They still work at their office. If I have told Terry this once, I have told him a thousand times, I do not want to be working that much as I get older.
Good heavens, the world is full of wonderful people and places and simple things like holding hands on the porch watching butterflies, hummingbirds and wild deer....walking the streets of small towns and visiting with real people. What do I fear? I fear not getting my fill of the awesome world God has created for us to enjoy. (ENJOY) I fear not meeting someone new and discovering something special about them and the gifts the Lord has given them. I fear not being here to share a smile and laughter as my grandchildren grow old. So why would I want to work work work work work until age 80?
Clean out the clutter...I challenge you to live life more simply.
"Light is sweet, and it is pleasant for the eyes to see the sun." Ecclesiastes 11:7
Thanks for the reminder!