Mom gave me an article to read this morning about enjoying God's favor in your life. It was out of her VITAJOURNEL. I read it twice through and decided to reflect on it in my thoughts today.
"God earnestly longs to be gracious to you - to have mercy on you and to show you His Loving-kindness." Isaiah 30:18
A favor is something that is misunderstood...when lately did you say, "Can you do me favor?" You are asking to bet some type of action completed with out having to give something in return. A favor is an act that is performed out of goodwill and it is not won but rather given freely. When I associate this with God I think of Proverbs 8:35 "For whoever finds me finds life, and receives favor from the Lord."
God truly want to pour His favor on us. He truly wants to give you the desires of your heart, for simply believing in him and having faith in him. He asks us simply to delight in him and follow Him. It is in Psalms 37 where this is reminded to us. He has a purpose and a plan for us. If we are not on His side as this plays out, there is always going to be turmoil because we will be pulling a different way than the plan. And along those lines of the 'empty glass' ...well many of us tend to think assume the worst and you will not get disappointed. Is that having faith? I believe that is making the glass more empty if that is possible.
Trust in the Lord. Activate your faith, practice your faith, share your beliefs and remember to talk to God every day. Give Him thanks for his constant love and kindness. Bad things do not just happen to us because we are bad or He is punishing us. Often our attention is not where we are to be focused. From those seemingly unpleasant things comes growth and vital strengthening that we need to push on in our lives.
Until tomorrow...
"Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your Heart." Psalms 37:4