Sunday dawns and I truly hesitate not to get tangled in knots realizing what lies ahead for the day. I have eight paintings to pack, which follows Thursday's packing of 15 for the show in Jackson.... and I am working on two easels today. Only peace through the Lord will restore my calm.
Yesterday Stacey and I went shopping. We were hunting some maternity clothes for her and I was looking for something to wear next Saturday night for the opening. I had discovered a store on the walks out at North Park....PINTO RANCH, managed by Susan Campbell. It is a delightful store, filled with beautiful designer clothes for both men and women with that great western flair. They also carry hand made boots, hats and little surprises for the kids. I bought the new grandbaby TINK a full set of Soft Barn Animals. Yes it was an impulse buy.
We continued on in search of maternity and finally found somethings to tide Stacey through the hot summer and early fall... we will revisit clothes in October.
Upon arriving home, my grandson Jonathan was here along with Justin and Jan. Justin prepared a gourmet meal for us all. Mom and I pigged out. Terry is working double today and yesterday so we can leave early for our trip. Morgan will hold down the fort along with Paddy and Annie... the dogs. Paddy was thrown out of puppy training, so he doesn't do well at boarding facilities either. I told Terry we needed a camper to travel and take the pups with us.
Jon helped me make a cake with frosting and did a mighty fine job. These are precious moments and I savor them all. (yes Tom, I always write about food, I savored it and the time with Jon.)
I received an email from a reader commenting about yesterday's blog. She shared about cleaning out clutter in her home and her life. This is so essential. It seems overwhelming, but you can do it. I love when I get emails sharing experiences relating to life and the greatness of God. God is Good...all the time, God is good. "this is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." God continues to give us all the strength to move forward in our lives. He lights the way and He is our guide.
"The Lord is my strength and my might, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him." Exodus 15:2