PAINT PAINT PAINT. That is what I will be doing in less than ten minutes. PAINT PAINT PAINT.
Yesterday I have an old high school friend visit and she painted. I have not had time to download the camera but will do it for the blog tomorrow. Also yesterday we chased Paddy around the neighborhood. Ticked me off because we took him for a two mile walk in the early hours and he still went out the gate. Of course it didn't help Terry left the gate open while he was watering.
Trying to find the dog is always a challenge as they are so unpredictable on direction. Terry took off in his big dodge truck, I was in the Passat with the puttering diesel engine...mom and Bill were in his VW and Kirk in his Nissan. The key is to listen for barking dogs. Usually that can help find him. I took the alley paths. Where we live we have nice paved alleys and thankfully he tends to like them as he does not understand what a car is. Remember he is a country boy. Barbara and I found him hiding behind a tree. He is a rather large dog, and it was a large tree because I could only see his face sticking out looking looking. I think he heard the diesel coming toward him. He had been gone about 45 min so he was tuckered. He ran to the car to get in. TOTALLY opposite of the last time he got out and Terry and I tracked him in the truck unable to catch him for 25 min...he kept running then.
I guess we all do that too in our lives. We have this vision and start running toward it. We immediately forget much around us and definitely close our ears to warnings given to us, and close our eyes to anything else but the vision. Do we ever find it? The best place to seek answers, find peace and experience joy is to seek the Lord. Trust, otherwise you will be tuckered out like Paddy was yesterday, Hot and Tired and simply Worn Out.
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13
"But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul." Deuteronomy 4:29