My eyes do not want to be open, but tomorrow Terry starts back to work again after six days off. He is asleep, Mom is asleep and I woke and decided to jump in here to paint before everyone wakes up. Seems like once the household is awake and there is movement, my creativity seems to disappear. Hopefully they will both sleep until at least eight or nine and hopefully the phone will not ring too early!
Terry spent yesterday cleaning or unpacking or repacking a room that was stacked with models. Now they are all in my loft in our master bedroom. Here in Texas Boxes plus Boxes equals Roaches. I do not mix well with roaches. I have delayed mentioning this to him but will need to. If he built a model every week, he could live to be 140 years old. I have yet to figure out what we will do with all those models once he builds them. I will have to sneak up next week and snap a shot... then you will have full view of what I mean.
My Daily Word talks about Divine Synergy today. Actually it is pretty good and simple with thought progression. How many of us do not have an issue we are dealing with in our lives right now? I cannot see many hands up in the air. The thought of Divine Synergy goes back to the idea of where ever two or more are gathered in prayer...that simple one plus one equals two. When you have two gathered in prayer you basically create something greater they refer to as combined action Divine Synergy. With this energy of prayer, praise and thanksgiving results follow. It can be a transformation of the issue or a resolution of the issue. So remember when you are heavy with the burden of things, to reach out not just to God but to others in your life and ask for prayer. All things are possible and we gotta have faith.
My favorite mantra right now is WAIT UPON THE LORD.
I did receive a note late last night from a reader/collector requesting prayer for her dog who had undergone pancreatic surgery and taken a turn for the worse. We are dog people here and firm believers that God created dogs to be a stress reliever in our lives as well as add so much love. We lift little India up in prayer.

My personal prayer request is for my St Louis family. This is my Mother's sister, brother-in-law and their children and grandchildren. Transformation and healing prayers are requested as my Aunt is currently hospitalized and in intensive care. Her birthday is just a few days away and I am thinking she will be 87. My uncle is a few years older. Pray for Peace and a gathering of strength for the family.
"Who gives the sun for light by day and the fixed order of the moon and the stars for light by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar-- the Lord of hosts is his name."--Jeremiah 31:35
I appreciate your time answering my question.