Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace
Horse Oil Painting by Laurie Justus Pace

I am truly not sure what is happening with the BLOG and images this morning as I have attempted to load an image four times and it does not seem to be here.
Terry calls the BLOG the BLAB. His dad was over visiting yesterday dropping off TP's birthday card and we were catching up on things. Especially things that we were in the midst of.... Terry thinks I put everything in my blog/the blab, but I truly do not.
I learned so much though yesterday it is a shame not to share it. My mom is doing better and we are hoping for her release from the hospital today. My dad enjoyed visiting her yesterday; Terry took him to get a much needed haircut and then we all met for lunch. Well, not all of us. Terry stopped to put FUEL in the car. Remember it is a diesel and takes fuel not gas. Well, Dad got out of the car at the station and was walking around and a pan handler walked up trying to get money off Dad and Terry. Terry is very over protective and he shooed the guy off but gave him a dollar. He had already put his info in at the pump and grabbed the handled and pumped the gas. They left the station to drive to the restaurant to meet my brother Bill and me. The car stopped working just a block away.
Note: I said he put gas in the tank. Remember there is a difference between gas and fuel. The Baby Passat is at Rusty Wallis being cleaned out. We pick her up on Thursday. So I have learned that a diesel will not run on gas, only on fuel.
Isn't life grand? Keeping things like this in perspective is often hard, but we must. Brother Bill shared he did the same thing in reverse, putting diesel in his daughter's gas car. Ya know what is strange....that happened eight years ago...and both incidents happened at the same gas station. It is not even one close to our homes. It is a small world.
Jump into life today. You cannot always know what lies ahead in the day, so meet it in Faith that the Lord is next to you. For a reason, for a season, our life has meaning and direction, although it may not be predictable, it is our life and we cannot be afraid to live it to it's fullest.
“For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority.”- Colossians 2:9-10