The move continues. My sister-in-law, Terrie, and I completed lining all the kitchen drawers, bathrooms and linen closets. We are ready for kitchen boxes to arrive. The brothers have been making runs with our truck cleaning out the shed and the garage and will begin some box moving today. We continue to keep dad occupied and his confusion grows and that worries me a bit. All prayers are needed.
Bought new running shoes yesterday. Course this body will not be running in them. We shop at Luke's on Oak Lawn in Dallas. Fabulous place to get shoes and they do sell on line. You can wear them up to four weeks and if they are not right, you can take them back. Not many places you can do that. As we were checking out there was a large fat book with the words spread across the cover, BIKINI READY IN SIX WEEKS. Not this body. Six weeks? I don't think so. The author was upstairs at Lukes, where I had been and noticed a gaggle of women on the floor beating their bodies up doing sit ups holding a rubber steering wheel. Some were young and only had moderate work to do but geez, some were over fifty and over fifty in extra pounds too. Easy to say they will not be bikini ready in six weeks, but I applaud their sore muscles and their dedication. I am doing well walking 2-3 miles a day right now.
Do you ever find that book LIVE LIFE NO STRESS GUARANTEED? Unfortunately we are humans and we can't seem to let go of stuff that pulls us down daily. I saw Dr OZ on Good Morning America two days ago. He was addressed the PEAR SHAPE and the APPLE SHAPE. The killer photo was the inside your body life like computer generated pictures of the fat we have hanging around out front and spilling over and padding the hips. That fat isn't just what we can pinch there, Dr Oz says it is surrounding all our organs. It is basically squeezing the life out of us.
Since the creation of Man and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden, Man has had to hunt for food. God had created the man's body to store fat for those lean times when there were only berries to eat or wheat grass to chew. Our bodies have not changed. When we are stress the body releases something and immediately our body begins protecting us. It stores fat so we can make it through that stress of not finding food.
Obviously I have an overprotective body.
Dr Oz says you can do this with out the Bikini class attitude. Eat healthy (that does not mean NO chocolate...moderation maybe), get 8 hours sleep, healthy sex life, meditation and moderate exercise. (Again note, no bikini class beat up). I encourage examination of the mediation. Most of us do not know how, but you can use prayer time to do that. Listen to God during this time. He is talking to you, listen.
“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word,”Ephesians 5:25-26