Mixed Media on Canvas by Laurie Justus Pace
Second in the Series
22 x 28 inches
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For Inquiries or a commission piece similar contact: Laurie
Mixed Media on Canvas by Laurie Justus Pace
Second in the Series
22 x 28 inches
SOLD Thanks for supporting Daily Painters!
For Inquiries or a commission piece similar contact: Laurie

Sunday has not dawned quite yet. We were awakened earlier around three by a massive thunderstorm but I am not convinced it rained. I think it was all noise. On our new pillows I never have trouble falling back to sleep. I still recommend to ANYONE out there SOVN Pillows. We have slept so soundly and wake up with out neck pain, or headaches...easy to fall asleep and stay asleep and I no longer have that split bed head in the back of my hair. We cannot wait until our mattress arrives. You will hear about that positive or negative when it does.
Mother is doing better. Yesterday she had company, helped fold wash, did not run any fever and walked with a lift to her body. I am so relieved to see her begin to come back to life. She lost 15 pounds this week. Although weight loss is okay, she had decided to skip carbs and have absolutely no energy. We put some healthy carbs back in her diet Friday and Saturday. Today she should really feel great!
Terry and I began preparing the varnish layers on my work going to Jackson Hole. Each canvas is so heavy we are debating on the mailing, but I know we must. They won't fit in my Passat with our luggage. I cannot believe the trip is only 10 days away. Morgan will be staying here at the house to care for dogs, plants etc. He didn't mind house sitting at all. I will cover gas for him because work is quite a distance from our house. Ben is going to watch over plants etc outside, our garden. Terry's tomatoes haven't produced much this year and we are hoping to still see some tomatoes.
The abundance in our lives is unbelievable. We have much to be thankful for and feel truly blessed. Daily I give thanks for so many things that God provides. Simple things like sitting here typing this to you, washing dishes after sharing a meal with Mom and Terry, folding clean wash....By affirming those blessings to Him we show Him how truly aware we are of what we have. He instills in each of us different gifts in addition to the ability to make our own decisions about life and the things we do. He provides unlimited potential and nudges us along to be the best we can be.
Be grateful today and approach the Lord with Thanksgiving.
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."-Luke 12:34
I really love this painting and the multi media aspect to it along with your spontaneous brushstrokes. Beautiful!