Mom is still on the mend here at our house. We have a quiet home with a healing essence with its cocooning feel. We are hoping to get her moved into her new place in a day or two. My brothers have worked with their wives to finish the unpacking and provide a sanctuary for her to live in while we take on the remaining boxes. There is still much to be sorted and given away.
We all seem to horde things as we go through this life and if I have learned anything from all our moves, nothing is life or death...it is all just stuff.
Terry and I were on our way back from FEDEX yesterday and on LBJ Freeway that circles Dallas. Traffic was horrendous. An 18 wheeler next to us kept drifting into our lane. I was on the phone trying to reach my older brother to make sure he had directions to the doctor's office for mom and I was visiting with my dad. I screeched as the truck lurched at us and Dad was concerned. I told him to give me a moment as I allowed a panic attack to sweep through me. He began to sound like the Dad of old as he brought comforting words and told me to remember that people would be people and you could always count on them being different and driving different. The differences were a constant you might say. He expanded his thoughts to include male drivers vs female drivers too. By the time I hung up the phone I was in tears. It was the Dad I had not heard or seen in almost five or six years. Where did that three minutes of lucidity come from?
Constant is the day and the night. Constant is the light from the sun and the light from the moon. Constant is the rotation of the earth. Constant is the changing of the seasons. Constant is life and constant is death. Constant is the Lord.
No matter what is thrown your way in your life, if you can stay focused on the true love of our Father, you can make your journey this day.
“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.” 2 Thessalonians 3:3